We just use food color. Works fine.
We just use food color. Works fine.
I was sad to see walmart fall for this. They used to sell the $10 cables but I guess through some deal, they only sell ones $45 and up. Cables have been the biggest scam for a long time.
I still roll my eyes at apple and it's fanboys.
Link is a hooker!
I dont see a difference other than a color variation.
@Conn09: The Microsoft stuff does both virus and malware. Spybot works pretty well too.
@Conn09: Adaware can be along side anything. However, I recommend against any norton products these days. They seem to have lost touch with reality. I would use microsoft's security essentials. It's built off of kaspersky's stuff, which is pretty good.
@timestep: Yep, was great till the end. Horrible ending. just horrible.
My only complaint is that I just bought a damn xbox MU... GRRR!
@Steven Esposito: 8 out of 10? I seriously doubt that. I've been to many where the people (and I mean all of them) didn't have a clue. They are basically trained to tell the customer anything and everything to make a sale.
I can't stand the iphones touch. I much prefer my android phone.
This game looks like it could be really fantastic. I will watch for it.
People still use apple products?
I play TF2 all of the time. I just dont get this tho. What is the point. It looks like all you do is run.
I dont get where these people come from. I don't know anyone that is into cosplay. Are these people from earth? ;)
Either the player is really bad or the turning needs alot of work.
@moose39: haha... not the movie! dumb disney channel!
Has anyone else seen Brink? it looks awesome!
Going to give Bad Company 2 a shot this weekend. Bought it this week but haven't played it.
@Hongo: I agree. This is not really funny. Especially since the kid looks terrified.