
Crackdown 2 for July 6th. Anyone else excited?

@tiberseptim: I think he looks like peter griffin.

I tend not to pay attention to people who spend more time in a costume than they do in reality. So I could care less.

Well deserved. Doom was my 1st multiplayer 1st person shoot experience and I will remember it always.

@papertiger3: It's the one where im chasing Dimitri in the chopper. Hard to fly. I get past the shooting parts no problem.

STILL have not finished that last GTA4 mission. I suck.

You had me at "Office Chair Racing".

After years of EQ, EQ2 and Wow, I just can't stomach another never ending mmo.

@Ignominus: Yep. Same here. Another junkie with no self control bites the dust from his own stupidity and bam, he's a hollywood hero again.

@krishna830: I tried, with fail, 2 more times last night. Killed both times in the damn whirly bird. So annoying, but I gotta finish it.

@ttocs: We were also #2 for a while in the murder rate, right behind Louisiana.

@chrismoke: ugh. I got on the chopper on my 1st try, but I can't fly the stupid thing.

@uncutlateralus: He was a world series baseball pitcher for the Boston Redsox. It's been semi known that he is a hardcore gamer.

Im still stuck on the last GTA 4 mission.. what a pain.

@DesolationJ: He's doing the art direction. It should be awesome.

Curt knows what he's doing. I would look back at "The Instance" podcast where he was on for several episodes with Scott and Randy talking MMO (mostly wow), but the guy is smart and knows RPGs.

This "article" pops up like 6 times a year. We get it. No wow on consoles. Who cares.