
Ill finish up GTA4. Then maybe some Forza 2 ( I dont have 3 yet). Maybe start playing Dragon Age.

If I had the $$ I would buy a ps3 just for this game. I loved the 1st 2.

@TheRuiner: I get the same crap from my wife all of the time. I just ignore her and play with headphones on.

@BallPtPenTheif: Yeah they don't do much to help. They tend to favor the bullies from my experience. I remember in my HS where the teachers were always buddy buddy with the jocks, who also happened to do 99% of the bullying.

@BallPtPenTheif: agreed %100. The schools don't do crap about bullies. They have a no tolerance policy that is in place to cover themselves, but they (the school) could care less. Our one kid had problems and several calls later, the school did nothing. These teachers and or office people need to lose their jobs.

@srb3189: That is the plan :)

@NeƶStarr: I intend to at some point. Watching the money at the moment but I do plan on getting them.

Going to finish GTA4 this weekend and maybe bang out some of the achievements.

@Smidget: I will probably pick Blur up as im a big fan of the PGR series. I missed out on the beta though :(

@AudibleDefect: I like both actually. Just need to pick one to really get into though. I have yet to pick up Forza 3.

Trying to figure out which racing game on the 360 to stick with. Any thoughts?

@Kevin Purdy: Thanks Kevin, I will give it a whirl.

Does listen do bookmarking? Being able to remember where you left off listening to a podcast is a big deal. BeyondPod does this.

@battra92: How is Eternal Sonata?

Probably some more Grid and finish of GTA4 finally.

She is awesome!

Loser kid got the smackdown. Needs to happen more often. Like if your speech reaches more that a certain amount of decibels through the mike, boom! Banned. ;)

Kinda knew how to do this. Too bad you can't change the icon. (You can change it, but it doesn't show the new one)

@fiji.siv: I understand, but until you have used those other apps and autocad, you'd see why.