
I've found that none of these free packages compare to adobe's product. Just on the fact that adobe seems to be able to make fairly small pdfs right out of the box.

I do not have a buzz tab. Any ideas?

So these need a PC next to the TV correct?

It's pretty sad and pathetic if you can't put the f'n computer away long enough to exercise.

@OkayOctane: Exactly why I quit playing. It's takes over and make me a miserable person. Stupid game.

I just deleted my level 80 and deleted my account. I dont CAAAYYYYYREEEEEE!

Dumb device. More of the same, just larger.

Downloading now. Hopefully it will feel much faster.

@GldRush98: Generally it won't cause issues right away. If you are gaming it could freeze up the computer, but in the long run it does impact the life of the machine.

Laptop on soft bed = not smart.

That's a long time to sit indian style.

Whats sad about all versions of the DS, is that they only support WEP encryption. What a joke.

What is the golf game in the pic?

More Dragon Age and MW2 online.

@y2julio: It was slated for the consoles, but then canned. Doubt we will ever see this.

@Gruntybreath: I think they won't say anything for a while. I think most people are sure it's going to be in the MMO flavor.

But how do i keep static electricity from zapping my hair?

I killed all of my social media accounts a while ago. Stupid wastes of time. I applaud a service like this. Too bad there isn't one that just deletes facebook or myspace from the internet completely.