On the OSX hackintosh:
On the OSX hackintosh:
can't you get those on adulttoys.c....
@Cige: Im sure those features will make it at some point. Im enjoying the new browser + ext. The speed is most excellent.
@RayKinStL: It is. It's against the xbox TOS, and has been stated many times by Stepto.
@Keres: Let me ask you this. Do you read a book so you can make up your own story?
I was so addicted to wow for a long time. Then I decided to sit down and think about what i do like about games so much. It was the stories. Wow has no story. It's just an endless grind with some, well, if you have the 24/7 time to play, you'll get to see a cinematic.
@gpzbc: that's exactly the FF addon i use. I love it. I hope someone ports it, as i am not skilled enough to do so.
@SquaredCircle: you can never tell with google. Look how long gmail stayed in beta.
@Andre Kibbe: Works with Firefox too, in case you want to use both browsers.
@Benjamino: That's what i've been doing, but now that im using xmarks in chrome, im afraid at what it will do with them in firefox.
If someone could just make one to reduce the bookmark bar to just icons, i'd be all set.
Or epic fail condoms(tm)
@FatherFingers: agreed %100. This one belongs to the devs.
every time i see posts about this game, i chant "please dont suck, please dont suck"
Well done. looks like it's quite a productive workspace.
What about a browser requires so much space? Im assuming there's more in there that's not live yet?
@thedoraz: i thought home was for humping the female avatars :)
Good to know. Not that I post to get a star, but still nice info to have so I don't make myself look like a tool. :)
@Angrypasta: im glad someone got it.
You can never trust someone wearing a hat like that. A lot of people hate that hat.