
good info. I was just wondering this myself yesterday.

@Jennacide: ahh, i stand corrected. my bad.

From a country that allows hotels to go screw hookers dressed as anime characters. Someone got rejected by one of them i bet.

personally, i think it's dumb to put a mac in any room. muuuwhhahahahahaa!

@warsaw_andy: If you removed itunes and it stopped working in MM, then try reinstalling MM. If that still doesn't work, i would guess you need the paid version of MM.

@okpgreg: Yep not true. I dont have itunes now and my ipod works fine in MM.

@okpgreg: thanks for the info!

@warsaw_andy: thats ok, as long as i dont have to run it.

Anyone know the footprint of this? Im looking for something that will out perform itunes (which is serious bloatware) and still works well with my ipod classic(80gb).

SWG died the day it came out.

I've always felt better gmail really slowed down gmail. I might try it again, but I'd rather have it fast than pretty.

@Modus_Operandi: I agree. They would probably make alot more money in the long run.

I've only bought one collectors edition game in my life. This may be number 2. The art alone is incredible.

@Mr.Wimples: when ackbar does the running man dance... too hi-larious!

It's a trap!

If only I had the $$ for this. I'd love to have one. Care to donate? I could send you some cookies in return! :)

Been playing this. It's very very fun! The graphic style is quite nice and the story isn't that bad.

Nicely done. Tidy!

Does this initiate proper shutdowns of apps or kill the app? That's not always a good thing. #featuredwindowsdownload