Windows 7 Taskbar hands down. #dock
Nice article. I just dont think the ad blocking stuff is there just yet. I like the browser, but I need good ad blocking. #chrome
I can't wait until i can afford to get this. It looks awesome. #borderlands
It takes less than 1/2 the time to load TF2 in Win 7 than it did in vista on the same machine. So, to me, it's worth it. #windows7
For carpets, use this stuff called Awesome. You can buy it at the dollar store and it is the best carpet cleaner i have ever used. It has pulled out spots that expensive carpet cleaner can't touch. #cleaning
Id buy a mac if they weren't just over priced PCs. The test is unfair because OSX is optimized for it's limited hardware. Windows has to run on 1000s of hardware variations, included 2 processor types (intel and AMD). Stop fooling yourselves thinking its fair. #operatingsystems
Who cares. gamefly is way overpriced anyway. #gamefly
It's dumb you can't just drag a folder to the bar. It's probably just easier to add the quick launch bar to it. #windows7
Looks ok, not sure it's worth $60 though for a text editor. There are a lot of free ones out there with the same features. #texteditor
@Soldier_CLE: You are lucky. For a small town, we only have the chains. I wish we could get the smaller stores, but I don't think we will see them here.
I hate the game stores now. Their prices for used games are ALWAYS too high. They were still selling Halo 3 used for $45 two weeks ago. That's insane. I've found that [] and/or craigslist is much better for used game prices. GC had fallout 3 for $45. I got it on [] for $28. Game is in perfect…
@highpitch_83: That's cool. Problem for me is im such a bobble head, i never remember where i was.
I hate iTunes. At the same time I use it. I've tried several "alternatives" and they just lack the features that I "must" have.
@JerryMouse: Yes but we are talking germs here, not oils. Yes hot water will help, but so does soap.
Yep, the hot water thing has been a myth for a long time.
oh reggie, stfu.