
OT: She is so screamin hot!

Id like to know how you prepped the floor before you put the wood down.

Ikea furniture. Nice. We have the identical desk setup here at work.

no link to site = weak lame sauce kotaku. weak. lame. sauce.

Is she really dating that twat? If she is, then I've lost all respect for her.

@AndiC: Last time I tried it, it didn't really work. I think it has trouble with the latest Zune firmware.

I can't seem to leave itunes. I HATE itunes, but it has features that I can't live without. For example, when you edit the tag data, you can mark the file as an audiobook(not just by genre) and tell it to remember it's position. As of yet, I've seen no other music player do this. I can plug my ipod in and listen to a

This is like... this:

that is g h e t t o .

Can I use her as my controller?

@radink: Of course i say that and look again and there is stuff up on the sims resource. I will now insert my foot into my mouth.

@Jypsy: Befitzero is right tho. EA is holding back stuff just to release it online for more money. The sims 2 had everything for free. Now it's not that way. You can get a few free things but the rest is in their store. They have also made it so there will no longer be 3rd party sites with content. So they have

This looks awesome!

That was horrid

And the crowd goes Meh.

She is putting me to sleep

I very excited for this game. Probably more that the others. I loved Crackdown 1.


Good luck. I've had nothing but trouble getting Win 7 to work with server 2000 printers. IE they dont. No one seems to have a fix either. I hope the XP stuff is more reliable.