Where is the 360 version of this? I thought it was supposed to be soon after the PC version?
Where is the 360 version of this? I thought it was supposed to be soon after the PC version?
I was using Windows 7 until this morning. I had to go back to Vista here at work because it would not add printers from our Win 2000 server. I tried many many things and it was a no go. I have to have them installed from this server due to our CAD setup. Sucks, but it looks like Win7 doesn't like server 2000.
Ugh the 2 most annoying classes to play against get updates.. no love for demoman?
Ive been trying to quit caffeine. Im down to one coffee with caffeine per day.
I agree with some of the comments, but it's true, getting taken out across the map sucks. I understand it takes skill to get those head shots, but it's out of balance when you can't fight back.
As long as this game isn't boring live eve, it should be cool.
I need to find a good site with good dock icon sets.
The media loves this crap. It's no worse than the normal flu. It's all about hype to get rating. fuckers.
The vampires. Every teen girl is now going to make Twilight happen in the sims. Oh joy.
@radink: I meant existed together.
free and full featured have NEVER existed in an MMO. This one included.
For some reason, Ascendant reminded me alot of asherons call 2. I think it's dumb to cancel games this far along.
Spore was definitely disappointing. I don't know if that was Will's fault or EA's but I have only played that game once, never to return. The Sims, however, keep my attention to this day. Best of luck to him either way.
He had a kebab.
We've been grilling our home made pizza's lately. Good stuff.
@BritBloke916: You apple fanboys just can't stop can you. You post has NOTHING to do with the article at all.
@Gantz: Your Trusted Friend in Science.: Because netflix isn't a movie company. They rent movies, not make them. The rent sony movies also. sony would be stupid to not have this on their system. It's excellent on the 360.
It works! Is it me, or did it seem like chrome slowed down after doing this? I wonder if debugging is on in the beta versions, which would slow it down.
I wonder if people have actually sat down and played a cell phone game. To me, i'd rather have a device like a psp or DS for portable gaming. I don't like these do it all devices because they only seem to do the things semi ok.
@Wes Cook: Those things are nice, but at the end of the day, they end up using about the same amount of ram.