Ive been using winamp with the ml_ipod plugin and it works great. I think songbird still needs more work.
Ive been using winamp with the ml_ipod plugin and it works great. I think songbird still needs more work.
Im so sick of itunes for windows. Im glad you can use a few alternatives.
@potatojenkins: QFT.
So this is why they delayed Sims 3. Stupid. I can't stand apple anymore.
@PretentiousNoob: Hellgate is completely dead now.
Will this make it to consoles?
@bryanjj: According to having 5 kids, it's really 10 months, not 9. Safe birth time is 37 weeks and on. The average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, which is 10 months give or take depending on how many of those months have 5 weeks.
@radink: Yeah well im tired of all the Wii non news crap on kotaku.
@Avrum: Typical fanboy. Attack all and everything that doesn't agree with your opinion. Way to make it personal.
@polezo: Nothing worse than a double turd in the digital wind.
Tired of the Wii and Tired of EA. srsly.
are we sure this app doesn't steal login info?
Still same boring gameplay.
Is there a way to filter out iphone posts on here?
News flash! This movie is going to suck ass.
So when you beat it, does lars come on and delete all of your mp3s?
It's nice but all that customization seems like too much work to me. I can never stick to these and I always feel "hacked" for some reason.
Torpedoes away!
To the people complaining about them being OP, you must remember 1 thing. The are a HERO class, not a standard class. Of course they are going to be more powerful.