
@Curb_Smackage: The 360 is a piece of garbage. This will be awesome on the pc.

Looks pretty good. Unlike alot of you, I went back to pc gaming from consoles because the 360 crapped out. So im not buying consoles anymore.

I've been using Vista for a while now. SP1 improved it quite a bit. The PDF however has almost the same info you would use on XP, just the Vista path of doing it, so it's not much new info.

@Gina Trapani: I agree with what you said, but it seems like the iphone gets looked at alot more as the phone itself, where other phones don't really get looked at, just the software, which is very widespread across many phones.

@Gina Trapani: We understand that you cover the iphone, but you ONLY cover the iphone. There are 1000's of other phones out there that never get a mention on here. To me this is fanboyism run rampant.

@drewls: Agreed. Tired of hearing about iRipoffs.

Is it me, or does a hot girl giving the peace sign really get on your nerves? It's like the bane of myspace. Sad really. and annoying.

Very nice! Im looking forward to this game. Finished the 1st one and want this one too. Ill be playing the new one on the pc though.

bleh GT5 will own this game.

@Jabbertrack: Exactly my point. I want to hear about games, not movies and TV.

Who cares?

Did a PS3 sleep with his wife? WTF? The 360 sucks ass. It's an unreliable piece of junk. Valve makes good games, but they aren't the only game company in the world.

Looks like my Wii will still sit and collect more dust. Just terrible games for the Wii.

Screw xbox and xbl. They over charge. The only reason this is more expensive is because the community has self over hyped it. WTG guys.

Pretty damn funny and informative. I learned something today.

I find that the gOS isn't to bad for kids.

I dont think so, but it would make it more enticing. I mean i bet 1/2 the apple people use a mac because it's pretty. I'd love to use it except for 2 reasons. Autocad and Games (and no, wine is not good enough for these 2 needs).

Ive done this myself. Ive made desktop pictures to help organize and locate. I've since tried to not use my desktop and put files in the proper places. Good idea though.

This game will be more than a flesh wound!

LH really reaching for content with this one don'tcha think?