
@OX4: I installed one because explorer is clunky. I like to have several file columns open at once, and it's a pain in explorer.

@Zundfolge: I agree with the bloat thing, but really, "like a mac"? just buy a damn mac.

This is like comparing apples to oranges almost. Exchange was built with the company in mind. Gmail is great, but it's more for the anyone crowd. The comparison is almost pointless because people at companies aren't/can't just switch to gmail because they feel like it.

I just bought hell gate for $20. It's pretty decent. I hope the online part will continue on.

Lies. All lies. I guarantee they are going to release a motion control at E3. They are the only console to not have it yet.

I think she's beautiful, but I think she gets alot more hype than she deserves.

Interstate 76 on steroids?

Im thinking it's just pulled back. I doubt he would cut it.

I can't stand major anymore. He's very fake.

Might be nice if you want to hide games ;)

Who's the porn star?

Microsoft is not winning any love from me lately. After my 360 died and they didn't want to fix it for free, I gave up on it. So I only play on my PC now (and Wii). From a company that was supposed to jumpstart the PC gaming industry again, these sure are hypocritical words. Someone at MS needs to figure this out.

3/5 of those are bloated memory hogs.

I just stopped using my 360 to watch tv. Got Direct TV now. Oh well.

It's definitely WotLK. There's a blow up the symbol and it's also the edging. It's the Frostmourne sword.

Pretty nice. Not sure about the 360 in there though. Could overheat if played with those doors closed.

Since when do you need to login to mozilla's site to get add-ons?

@Idrive: I just changed my password.

I just gave them my login info for my gmail account.. I wonder how smart that was.

I didn't realize the use as a drive feature was not on the touch and iphone. This is the main reason I returned my zune and exchanged it for an ipod classic.