
It was a good apology until she started talking about how many things she’s supported. That’s the pandering “look I fucked up here, but here’s where I made up for it, my poor memory isn’t THAT bad guyz!"

Yeah that’s really weird.

And i really hate looking at that, it’s like a culmination of every bad idea in the book.

I hear that, so they probably have to be an ISO level lab setup. It’s worth it in the end. Im interested to see what happens to cchi this year in california, it’d probably change the game out here.

Yeah, you make good points but what constitutes a licensed extractor/tion? People throw that around here in cali like it’s a real thing. And i’m saying most BHO is going to be bad for your health but if you put the proper work into it you can get a clean product but again, most don’t, or don’t know the most proper

Eh i’d go with Rosin over wax, unless it’s really, REALLY cleaned up and made with a proper oven then you’re inhaling a fuck ton of butane. Or stick woth co2 oils. Co2 has a funny flavor and can spatter and its more aligned with oil, very sticky and not solid. A good live resin (wax) will have a nice almost see

And the offer still stands for the job no matter who you vote for (lets just hope it’s me)

No worries either way, the big issues will get dealt with. I lean on the left on some and the right on others. We’ll sort it out in good time. Look for doodooPAC donation tins at your local goodwill.

That’ll be my first supreme change to the constitution. If you vrote and are certified 💯💯💯 you can run for ruler. I’m thinking I’ll have an amazing chance at this. It’ll be a good time.

The first one was really, really good. I wish the sequel had come over too.

Well what are we waiting for doodooPAC is where it’s at!

Well, unfortunately I have to be 35 :( so this election cycle is out of my reach. Im 27 so only like two cycles to go. So make that 8 years duder, I’m significantly less pumped...

Damn, you’re getting me hella pumped. Im gonna google how to be president and start a PAC and I’ll get back to you tomorrow.

Contracts are negotiable. Sounds like we have a winner, don’t die on me in four years.

I like the way you think. I will be in contact with you to run the doodoobuttsupreme security council when i run for supreme ruler of America. Good benefits, all I expect is you at least look busy when I come in to your office unannounced. ***this employment offer is contingent on me winning and not losing*** In 2020

Does anyone even know what a slippery slope is? Or maybe when you give a mouse a cookie? Or like every other time this kind of thing has happened the government literally takes it seriously and abuses that power. This is why we ARE being surveilled every single day by our own local and federal government. I hope apple

That question really took a turn for the worst...

What about other candy???

With how difficult they’ve apparently been with diplomacy and such I’m sure it’s best to err on the side of caution. They’ve threatened war/nuclear war for years and nothings come of it but, it’s still frightening to be dealing with a culture that keeps its cards so close to their proverbial chests.

Oh im not talking enterprise, mainly hardware and software issues. I know unless you’re running a mac os based server you’re bound to run into a lot if not a metric ton of issues. For small businesses that don’t have a ton of employees getting everything up and running on a purely mac based ecosystem is a cinch and