
I have 0 skin in the game and honestly don’t know much about Nest but yeah those look like memes made by a dad who just discovered what memes are

Robert Yang is a goddamn gay visionary genius and we need more from him. Enough said.

Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.

No, androids

I think the “huge stink” was more about setting precedent than actually thinking that there was this super valuable info on this phone that they needed to get to. The more they can lower the discourse on encryption, the easier their jobs are.

The height of sophistication is owning your very own hand-crafted, artisan dick.

Trust me, bro, I’ve asked about that ride to Hawaii and every fucking time they say “no”. Stingy bastards

Keep in mind that the American public also pays for our Navy, but that doesn’t entitle me to a ride on a nuke sub (or even to know half of what they are capable of). We pay for lots of shit we never find out about. Besides, I doubt there is anything on that phone that the public would be interested in, most likely

A grey hat hacker and a black hat hacker who’s never been caught and occasionally does helpful things are very, very similar and impossible to differentiate.

We don’t.

“it’s an investment in an idea”

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.- Thomas A. Edison

They can afford to hire them, they just refuse to hire people who smoke pot.

[Pretentious parent] My parents’ generation was huge on rice cereal, mixing it with formula, feeding it 3x a day, etc. They kept passive-aggressively pushing it on us as my son was getting ready for solid foods. We ended up just feeding him mashed up avocado, sweet potato, yogurt, beans...ya know, food. [/pretentious

Thing about that is that aliens, at least, are real.

This, exactly. If anyone thought there would be ANY useful information in this phone 5 months later - they live in a reality inhabitted by rainbow shitting unicorns.

I get where you’re coming from, but in no way is that something we should be entitled to. Do you also think the CIA and NSA should open up their files to the public? There are definitely things that should not be public knowledge, and active investigations into terrorist groups is pretty much at the top of that list.

Creating case law, was always the reason.