
The funny thing is this is just an adult oriented rip off of Disney Channel’s Smart House. Probably the same mom too.

Seriously? MacOS has like ten times less overall issues than any windows rig. It’s like they want to make your job easy. Now if they outfit the entire office with retina display macs and macbooks you’re in twouble. I’ve been on both sides of this mainstream OS fence, so I’d say force the whole operation to use linux,

Half brow. Half. Brow. Those should be illegal. Is she still being paid in olive garden gift cards?

Jesus wasn’t allowed to prairie dog for our sins unfortunately.

Way too much???

F(x)= 1000x + 0? Is that modeled effectively 0 is the ideas had and x is the amount of jokes that became funnier as a result?

Serious lack of boo-boo in this game. 10/10 would miss boo-boo again.

What about kill freakin’ aliens? Or kick father’s ass?

I dunno man, my new age nissan did the exploding tin man stunt a little while ago. It was still under warranty (thank the car gods) but still not SUPER bullet proof only slightly. I wish mine was manual (standard) and not automatic, i had a lot more fun with the manual.

Ahem! The term is HaXx0r please and thank you!

Those are some damn good choices, what made you choose them?

Billions of dollars say otherwise. They literally have more money than the government so I’d put a really safe bet on Apple utterly crushing this in court.

You really should upgrade to windows 10 for full exposure.

He’s looking a little leathery right now, you think the shedding will happen on live television? Or do you think it’s a private thing he does at home in the shower or something? I’d like to know your thoughts.

You have to keep the government at arms length, you let their foot in at first and then they want to see your whole house, and it smells like pot and then the American people are so fucked.

Robots are stealing our chores! This can’t be good! How will I ever do anything I don’t really enjoy doing again!?

They should password protect the app. Boom, forgot your password and not you can’t get in. NO ONE CAN!

Nah almost did that with 2013 nissan sentra.

It’s not widely used, but I like it too. Manual is cool and stick I think is the standard us phrase.

You somehow missed the shade bruh