
Yeah, i get that, i love to draw but I doubt I’d have much fun in a traditional art class in college. I’d just want to doodle and make stupid comics and stuff. Not draw light and dark blobs that are supposed to look like people...especially the Cruzer up there, eck!

You’d be one in a minion with that one!

Quit trying to regulate him!

I miss driving standard so much :(

I’d probably never go to college anywhere if that happened. You have to have principles man/lady.

It’s the christian thing to do dawg! If christ were here he’d say “it’s cool homie, they didn’t belieb in me or Santa. No love lost."

It’s akin to looking at chodes at work. Immediately sent to third strike and fired if possible.

Are you real or are you Mavis Beacon?

the answer is in the article FURTHER than May 1970, january is technically further away from may 1970. They didn’t comment because the article answered its own question.

So let me guess you’re a zeppelin fan?

Seriously? The man MADE A VIDEOGAME! Show some damn respect!

Xbox live tanked after the 360 came out. I don’t really bother with online play. But what I understand is both kinda need paid subscriptions to really be useful. I mostly play single player games to be honest. I might just go with the 3d printer hahah

True, i’m a parent now and i’d just like to buy this for myself under the guise that its for the kiddo (i’ll make her stuff but dad wants toys too). Of course an xbox one or a ps4 is tempting.

But lift kits aren’t an integral security feature built into the OS of the truck. It’s not something the truck checks for when it starts. Not really defending apple here, but I’d like to be a voice of reason on the matter. Apple does a lot of things differently to keep its devices and eco system as clean as it can

I really like this lady, she sounds pretty classy. I like both of the bills she wants to introduce but I imagine they’ll get shot down by the impotent men she has to deal with on a fairly regular basis.

Where can I buy these not on the internet? I wanna give them a go and am genuinely excited to cover my house in slime.

I think his point about software verifying each piece of hardware (pcs, macs and iphones do this) on start up to make things kosher, it wouldn’t surprise me that theres a hardware key that relates to what is and isnt nscessarily genuine based around these keys, if the chinese manufacturer can’t provide a valid key

It’s probably because they never really have a solid end point, that steady stream of cash gets them more time to keep adding content to a game that doesn’t have much of an endgame. I will admit, and im not really a fan, but world of warcraft is one of those games with common end goals before moving on. On mobile it

To be fair it’s probably in the eula and warranty paper work for what is and isn’t covered. As long as they say they don’t cover it in the legalese it’s out of their hands, the person broke legalese.

True, but that requires some serious finesse that most people including apple trained employees dont have. And the new glass could potentially create an issue with calibration. But again if you know the right people it could go off without a hitch.