
I worked at one for three years, i also told countless people that went to third party repair shops “sorry you voided your warranty” when the third party did a fantastically lower quality job than apple itself. It’s better to not buy apple if you want to go third party for repairs because of things like in this

There’s the magic in the warranty process is they’d have a warehouse full of phones but if it’s two gens old they ship it out. Otherwise you get to have a refurb (they have those in the warehouse) or they repair it in shop depending on the damage. Its complicated but everything about apple is complicated.

Yeah it wouldnt kill them financially either, having paid replacements behind the counter and stuff, itd at least pay for itself. But alas, apple wouldnt want to do it that way.

+1 for using homeboy

From what I understood the glass, lcd and digitizer were all one assembly, of course i’m not privy to the changes in manufacturing since maybe the 5? Its been a while.

Yeah it makes sense. It is really unfortunate that at least genius bars arent more prevalent. They could do that.

But for many people a flip phone is like 15 to 20 bones, if you use your phone for navigation all the time then yeah I get it. But if communication is the real trouble spend some pennies and have the flip phone as a back up.

But is it calibrated like apple? They have a machine and firmware that properly calibrates that screen and it carries and doesn’t void the warranty.

That makes sense, I think this stinks either way, replacing things shouldn’t brick the phone. That’s why I don’t buy apple as much as I can because I’m not allowed to fix it myself. I just find it odd for those that have access to an apple store or carrier troubleshooting center

What i dont understand is why people are still repairing this stuff outside of apple,it’s like 150 for a screen replacement and it’s guaranteed is iPhonz repair that much cheaper???

It does take rocket strategery though.

Inspirational words from Kremit.

The city is in shambles and it is really sad. I’m not sure why water conservation isn’t more important here versus a new chargers stadium, san diego really has its priorities mixed up. Instead of that stadium put that money to use fixing the shotty infrastructure and really make it a worls class city instead of trying

Send it into space, duh!

At least they got John Cena’s pepperonis right.

After the CTE I’ll go and...the orange chicken is good there.

we can be friends if you’d like.

Im glad someone mentioned this, this isn’t the reinvention of the cup and ball Kendama is. This is like the reinvention of hackey sack.

Rule #2 Never eat liver and onions before your pitch meeting thingy to rich investors

Believe me I’m not a fan.