
Congo was a decent book, as was Sphere and Terminal Man. They're all terrible movies, but the books are more in-depth and technical - much like Jurassic Park with the Chaos Theory stuff.

man…i was a young teen when the whole Clarence Thomas thing was going down, and that, coupled with a strict Christian upbringing, cured me of any ideas of flirting or dating in the workplace.

for a long time, i only owned this compilation, Wildflowers, and Echo, and i thought i was set. Then someone pointed out his hits that didn't make the Greatest - All or Nothing, Straight Into Darkness, etc.

oh, sure. i always thought that Constantine should've been played by someone slightly older (dying of cancer), who's so jaded by the fight that he really doesn't care. Kinda like James Woods in Vampires, or something.

"…and- this one's for you - he's a hermaphrodite!"

came here to post this same thing. His hissing of "I love you more than JEEESSUSSS" was so f'ing creepy, especially after he'd been relatively calm and charming the rest of the time.

i love that movie, despite its flaws. I chalk it up to the creative direction, and overall plot/pacing. Keanu is miscast, but does what he can, and she's always got one hand tied behind her back when she has to put on an American accent.

no love for Viggo Mortensen in The Prophecy? That was always my favorite, even beating out Karl Hungus in Constantine.

the second Expendables is superior to the first. Better directed, funnier, more fun overall, more Bruce & Arnold, and JCVD as a cartoonishly delightful villain.

disappointed not to see a slew of Wheeler Walker Jr's "Fuck Chewbacca Mom" tweets

i missed the second half of DJ thru FJ due to local news interruption, so more than ever, i'm thankful for Jay's recaps. Thanks ,Jay!

the casting of his sibling and father were also perfect. both in terms of ethnically-vague, and their characterizations (e.g. the agoraphobia of his Mycroft-ian brother).

yeah, i knew it was one of the two - Rochester is known for Kodak, but also Bauch & Lombe is there (but i don't know if it originated there like Kodak did)

you had me at SciFi Anthology Series. don't care who's in it. might be interested in who's behind it.

yeah, this is easily his best movie because he has so little dialogue, and the words he's asked to deliver are best delivered dryly.

gotta love that Sony synergy

why on earth would you tarnish the perfect ending of The Shield?

can anyone confirm that there is a rap song that sums up the movie playing over the end credits?

it'll probably be called Logan Balboa, or Logan's Legacy, or some bullshit. It would be kinda cool if they called it "The Wolverine 2" or something - just to cement the idea that Origins never happened.

wow, Djimon Hounsou misses out on "Glowering Villian" role! That *is* news!