
my sister once said something similar, but about musical bedding. "Butch Cassidy would be a 100% great movie if you just updated Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head to something more modern…"

This opinion is brought to you by the PC police, and evolving attitudes. Temple of Doom was a ton of fun in '84, but it has not aged well.

sometimes you just gotta suck a turd, unowutimean?

exactly, don't forget the anti-gluten episode where the guy's dick literally flies off his body b/c of gluten. they will play ball with a fad/believe, and even admit it's partially right…

if you're into cars, it's an interesting enough show. but i have no clue why it's on CNBC. NBC has so many channels, they couldn't put it on NBC Sports? USA on saturday mornings? Universal HD (a real channel that mostly reruns old movies and The Unit) have Meacham Car Auctions on all the time - mostly b/c they're

well, that's kind of my point - it's not an attempt at "customer service", it's a strategic PR missive. It would take BALLLS for a lowly CSR to send that kind of message to a complainer - and leave it without their initials at the end.

i expected Otto to be squatting there with his girlfriend Crystal.

they originally reached out to her with the usual "sorry for the inconvenience, DM us so we can help" with some initials at the end - standard for airline customer service twitter.

was she the cute deputy dancing with oliver platt?

i think it's partly being older, as they are. At a certain point, you know people well enough to think "why are we waiting?". You're not 20-somethings who might change by 30.

this just went from a movie i definitely would see opening weekend to a movie i'll rent. Nobody does less with more than Ron Howard.

this week's ep of The Dollop gives it to Uber HARD. I had no idea the extent of their evil #JAMPAD

i always felt like the movie should've ended on that shot of Joker driving a cop car with his head out the window (and/or Alfred giving Bruce her letter). Go full Empire Strikes Back on our asses.

Prof X was always kinda selfish. I blame is his Richie Rich upbringing. Although, i might just be colored by DOFP and McAvoy's general smarm.

same here. it's an energetic performance with not a lot of huge laughs (much the same as i feel about Kevin Hart). The direction added a bit to it, but it felt very one-man-showish (esp since he was using a lav mic).

meh. i know people are super great at their jobs, but don't have the time/energy to care about much else. It's entirely the job is so all-consuming he just votes straight-ticket GOP every year because (taxes/abortion/guns). I dunno.

i don't care about my doctor's political views, only their scientific/heath credentials. People vote for all kinds of reasons, and when you've only got 2-ish choices, make all kinds of compromises for all kinds of reasons.

This is a very well-put together comedy special/one-man show. I can't say i laughed a lot, but that's just personal/taste stuff, i guess. But it certainly very tight and skillful.

so…we think that Ford dropped out of Medicine Man to do Patriot Games? that makes sense - who would've thought that Sean Connery was the first choice for that? But also: he's much more enigmatic than Ford, so it works better for the film. I don't think Medicine Man is a good movie, but it would've been unwatchable

please fill me in: why is Kerry mad at Cary? he resisted Melanie's request to "release" her when they first entered David's house, and he wasn't really responsible for what happened in the dream-Clockworks…