
whatever. is she still alive? i thought she died of exposure from taking too many topless selfies.

i've always like the bombast of the In The Mouth of Madness opening theme. Also: the music he wrote (?) for Vampires is pretty good (if cliche'd blues-rock).

if you like this movie, have you seen First Blood? don't let the "Rambo" name throw you off - it's a really great outdoor/survival/adventure movie. Pretty realistic (relatively speaking), and it clips along nicely.

The Long Kiss Goodnight's quality is more attributed (for right or wrong) to Shane Black (and its cast). I don't necessarily think "Harlin" when it's mentioned.

i like sci-fi movies i don't knw anything about. Except for Station 76, that was some bullshit

in the comic books he always referred to them as Batons, almost like he was a circus performer or drum major.

i'm with you. If it's true, it probably means the actors got paid up front

yeah, it was more early 2000's, i guess. she benefited from the late-90s "latin explosion"

but you need a TON of radio play/hits (inescapable but forgettable) to be Steve Miller. 90s Steve Miller was probably who? Garth Brooks? I could see him being people's favorite.

Sheryl Crow: 90s Steve Miller

he also sang the song "Courage Mom" in Wag The Dog. "She cried for real!"

that show had to cost a ton, just for the voice talent. But it looked great too - those coke-skin'd Nagel faces…

i think it was called, "You Should Have Told Me". It was…fine. It was obvious he was purging some stuff, but it was a pretty big letdown from the "oooh! new PFT special on Comedy Central!" anticipation.

yeah, i like Jeselnik - though he falls a little into the Jimmy Carr category. But his last special toed the line of "earnest" perfectly; Paul F Tompkins is also good, though i prefer his improvised work to his prepared stuff. That special that turned out to be a long story about his dying mother was a little…much.

i mean, i know all the kids are into earnestness and personal investment now, but i whenever i see "brave" comedy (again, not necessarily talking about Esposito, as i haven't seen this one) - i get the same feeling: that feeling of watching the "writing student" turn in the story about the time they got molested, and

she's funny, and i like her, but between this, Tig's shirtless special, Maria Bamford's suicide confessions, Aziz's move towards the personal & preachy, and navel-gazers like Pete Holmes all taking over, i kinda miss the less story-teller/more joke-based comedians. It's not the best special i've ever seen but Myq

i've seen Alien a lot of times, and i'm NEVER bored with it. Blade Runner shot for something, and it's fine. it's not a failure, by any means, but it's not an all-time classic.

maybe they'll shoot the moon and get Javier Bardem - the rich man's Jeffrey Dean Morgan!

Who'll play him? i expect the guy who played The Comedian in Watchmen is too old, so….Sofia Vergara's boy-toy (the werewolf from Trueblood)?

"hey, Fun Hat!"