
“Upon reflection, the workplace created by these self-professed ‘three stooges’ was actually full of safety hazards, many of them life-threatening, to create an OSHA nightmare that would not fly in these modern times. Additionally, Larry would often witness Moe physically and emotionally abuse Curly, and never once

My main source of concern is how evasive he was at identifying his sources or releasing the taped interviews he supposedly has. Like, he’s a journalist. That sort of thing should come naturally.

It makes me wonder, because some journalists have accused him of poor journalism in the past. So while I don’t doubt that

Do you think he will release the tapes? I’d listen to those on a YouTube channel.

This is not half as clever as you think it was.

This is a part of the cycle (albeit this is taken to the extreme).
An “outsider” runs for the GOP nomination. They promise to “Shake things up” and “Run this country like a business.”
Liberals think “This moron can’t possibly win. I’ll vote for this third party. Cuz even if GOP outsider wins they will be so

I don’t really get the Wonder Woman adoration. It’s an entertaining, albeit pretty conventional superhero movie that relies a too much on effects-laden bombast for my tastes. I think it gets extra kudos for Gal Gadot’s performance, which is genuinely great, and for being the first DCEU film that doesn’t fuck it up

You’re part of the problem by saying #notallmen instead of saying #nothing.

As for those series that promised twists but were otherwise light on plot and characterization, Netflix knows when you just skipped to the good parts, but doesn’t judge you (we all probably did this for Iron Fist). Here are the shows that saw the most viewers jump ahead.

ignorate assholes

Oh fuck off. Fuck off squared if youdidn’t like Hillary because she was insufficiently pure enough to get your primary how.

He should just resign. He will be replaced by another Minnesota Democrat. Yes, it sucks that a popular and nationally prominent figure like Franken had to go, but that ship sailed when he grabbed things he wasn’t supposed to. Everything he does from this point on would be tainted anyway, even if he stayed.

To me, insisting that multiple credible accusations of sexual misconduct render one unfit to serve in the Senate seems like the exact opposite of surrendering.

...and as the Alt-Right woman lay dying of her wounds, she asked of the Alt-Right male, “Why have you done this to me?”. The Alt-Right male smirked and answered, “Look bitch, you knew I was a snake.”

Are people not even allowed to talk about stuff that’s problematic or racist without sarcastic responses like this? Hari’s not shitting on the show, he’s addressing the topic as a lifelong fan, but the response to him has been this exaggerated “AH SO I GUESS WE SHOULD JUST BAN EVERYTHING?!” nonsense.

In an era where the slightest bit of human error is jumped on by actual fascists who peddle propaganda and then decry the truth as “FAKE NEWS”, real journalists have to be whiter than white and hold themselves to high standards.

Words have meaning and consequences, especially when reporting news in the current political environment. One word can change the entire narrative of a story. Here that one word is the difference between collusion (breaking the law) and poor policy (breaking tradition).

The ACA was subject to 47 public hearings and roundtables before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and another 53 before the Senate Finance Committee. It underwent a monthlong marking up in the bipartisan HELP Committee before being brought to the floor for a vote. There, it was debated for 25

What fools we were! Oh, if only all us here at the AV Club would’ve listened to your words of wisdom back whenever the fuck it is you’re talking about, America wouldn’t be in this mess right now!

I really hope the mysterious E-Bay purchaser was actually the Wu Tang Clan. That way they would have just taken $1 million from that douchebag.

I’m pretty comfortable lumping (“#NotAll”) conservatives in the fascist camp. There is no meaningful conservative faction—not in a classical sense—in this country any more, much less so within the Republican Party.