
I dunno MM and A-Train are just as developed as any other character on the show (Sage not so much). Heck A-Train has had one of the best arcs over the last two seasons. If you want a black character that has no development look no further than Black Noir II (we saw him without his helmet once so we know he is black).


This season, while enjoyable, was a step down from the previous two because its clear they were stalling to pad the episode count. There’s story content for one season here but they’ve stretched it out over season 3 and the upcoming season 4. I’m sure it was worth it financially, but creatively, it caused some issues.

I’m noticing that one of our conservo-trolls is concerned about violence toward women among Native Americans.  Is he concerned that they’ll develop a better remedy about that issue and make GOP conservatives the only ones in favor of hurting women?

Yeah, there’s a difference between “relevant” and “remained decent enough to not fuck up their legacy”.

Counterpoint: No. And fuck off.

Damn, that was well put

Exactly. Hell, if sixteen people who don’t know one another and don’t have anything significant to gain from telling their story accused ME of doing the exact same crime on sixteen discrete occasions, I’d be fairly convinced I did it, even if I didn’t remember doing it.

I like the fan theory that every Mad Max movie is a story being told in the wasteland about him and that is why the continuity is a mess.  He is a folklore legend and his stories are passed orally.  So they change and evolve with the teller

It’s not really the information that’s the problem. It’s that it’s mixed in with a somehow even greater flood of increasingly extremist opinion and outright bullshit, which is often much more fun and sexy because it isn’t bound by boring old reality. For every person combing through JSTOR for the most thoroughly

I’d go one step further and say that most people’s understanding of most jobs is influenced, if not outright taken, from fiction. No normal person is going to make it more than ten minutes into a minute by minute rundown of what a lawyer’s average day is like because it’s both very complicated and boring as fuck,

I honestly think that most of the frustration comes from how much easier it seem to be for a straight actor to get a role as a queer lead than vice versa. That’s not Blanchett’s fault, obviously, but if the overall pattern weren’t so damning, I doubt individual casting choices would be scrutinized so closely.

I wouldn’t say it isn’t real so much as the term has no utility in good faith debate. Deniers on the left seem to be using it to mean “the complete and total destruction of someone’s life and career” and conservatives coined the phrase to mean, in practice, “any negative consequences resulting from a person’s words or

Yeah, a lot of conservative comedy is essentially school bully comedy since so much of it punches down. The point often seems to be to stick it to somebody less powerful than to actually be funny. The “we’re going to show those 19-year-old college kids!” sketch proposal kinda gets at this issue.

Yeah, but that’s pretty much the way I felt about a second and third (or fifth and sixth, depending) three hour long hobbit movie.

It’s kinda the most 1994 movie to ever 1994. If you take out all the 1994 parts, it’s Deathwish, and every third action movie is already a stealth Deathwish remake.

I mean, S.H.I.E.L.D. has always been way more explicit about its movie ties, and even they’re ducking around it. It’s 50/50 that the Netflixverse never even mentions it.

I’m also on team “fuck this noise.” What’s been the greatest creative/artistic success carving out (increasingly smaller) pieces of the Batman mythos for standalone stuff? Brubaker’s Catwoman? The first bit of the Grayson series? However you define it, I’m confident it’s not a long list.

How the secret identity is probably THE huge gimmie of the Superpeople mythos, and having some characters figure it out but not others is the worst of all possible worlds. Everyone in the DCU has very specific type of Kryptonian face blindness/brain fog. That should probably just be the end of it.

But if Cat Grant can

I was thinking it sounds like Sunny, but with olds.

Those are the only network comedies I watch. If he were to move to FX, they’d have like my four or five favorite shows and I might not need any other channels.