
OK. Soooo....

I’m bothered by the fact that you tried to be fancy and used “whom” when you should have used “who.”

It’s pretty good though.

Grim and Gritty Captain Marvel (Sorry, he will never be named “Shazam” to me - that’s the wizards name) never works well. That character is pure unadulterated childhood wish fulfillment and not something that ought to ever be “dark”. About as dark as the character can go was at the end of the one episode of JLU where

Kudos to John Rogers. He appears to be a class act.

I am not saying Pryor definitely had sex with Brando but I can tell you that the last two people on the planet who will be able to attest to who I did and didn’t bang are my two kids 40 years from now.

I love Loki, but I honestly think he’s been used as comic relief too much to be considered the greatest villain. Aside from the first Avengers, he’s been more of a nuisance than a threat, and doing everything for his own gain makes him more one-dimensional for me. Killmonger was just terrific in every possible way,

While the bar is really low Killmonger is far and away the best Marvel villain ever. Even if we ignore the depth of the character and the questions he makes us ask he beats everyone else by simply being a legitimate threat, something the Marvel movies have a horrible time doing for their villains. The fact that he’s a

I think they’re more mad that the lead has been harassing women.

Don’t blame the LW for not preventing more molestations. Victims often keep quiet because they fear not being believed, blowing up family dynamics, violent retribution, etc. Just think of all the women who waited for decades to tell the truth about Harvey Weinstein, and they weren’t children when it happened or

Why the hell would we make consumers read that. If there isn’t a reason for a giant air filled bag, don’t make a giant air filled bag. It literally has no utility, other than deception.


A Zero Sum Game is a scenario where the total value will not increase or decrease, only be traded between participants. So in order for me to gain value, someone else must lose value. We cannot both be winners, nor can we both be losers.

Use the slogan “Happiness is Savory.”

Seeing as how they’re playing in Minnesota, it would be neat watching Gronkowski fight a real life Viking. I know that wasn’t exactly what you suggested, but I like it.

The Jan/Feb Atlantic has an opinion piece from a rightist prof at the conservative George Mason University called “What is college good for?” Anything Beyond basic literacy and a trade, the rest is a waste. English lit should be how to write for business needs. History, philosophy, etc.? Nah. And so on. The subtext is

That’s gotta be the first non-ironic use of “feminazi” that I’ve seen in more than a decade, and I sometimes subject myself to the Breitbart comment section. You’re like a unicorn or a sasquatch or terrible person or something.

This is worse than doing nothing. If people could be trusted to discern good media from shit media, we wouldn’t be in this problem in the first place.

Hmm. See, that reads less like a review and more like your feelings got hurt because they made fun of your Transformers movies.