
The thing I wonder is whether the LW even *respects* her coworker. She doesn’t trust him (likely with good reason), and doesn’t have anything nice to say about him professionally or otherwise, except that the sex is good. If that assessment is correct, then unless both parties get off on the lack of respect, the

I can understand though. Lord knows I’ve had decisions to make that, in retrospect, were insanely obvious and I was 99.99% of the way to making, but that last little seed of self-doubt made me run it past someone else, juuuuuust to be sure.

The NAACP and the Clean Air Task Force (CATF) found that over a million black people live within half a mile of an oil and gas facility, and more than 6.7 million blacks live in a county that is home to a refinery. Overall, blacks are 75 percent more likely to live in communities close to industrial facilities than

Who cares what you’d rather she do?

Trump supporters are really dumb. But you don’t have to take my word for it.

Pai is the dictionary definition of a fox in the henhouse, so that clearly failed here

You really need to start disclaiming all of these opinions with your actual nationality, especially when you claim to know who does and does not speak for actual Americans.

I still dislike how they cast Molly age-wise. The actress is kind of cute and I don’t care about the race change but she is at least two years too old. A lot of comic Molly’s appeal is that she is a little kid and so powerful. And that cat hat just looks silly on the actress now.

You know, using a person’s suicide as a means to defend a movie as immune from criticism is low even for Snyder fanboys. I mean, what does his daughter’s death have to do with his filmography? There’s nothing wrong with feeling sympathy for him because of what happened to his daughter, but using it as an excuse to

No you’re just humorless.

I think you forgot about Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Michael Keaton and Christian Bale. But other than that, I agree.

Wait... You aren’t using “virtue-signalling” ironically?

The Clintons?... Way behind the times (were you even old enough to vote then?) Did you think Obama was better? I have a feeling you’ll be “leaving it blank” for the rest of your life.

My God you are stupid .... ‘cause I use my real name and not “Ghost of Biggie”? My Bama blood says otherwise. Can’t be because I gave an educated answer, I must be white, huh? You not that shallow are you Ghost? But okay, for all I know you’re wigga blackfacing on the internet....

And Fuck You right back boy. I’m black as you are, you just got a history lesson you needed. Principles are guidelines not absolutes and if you don’t understand that most basic of life lessons, then you need to more living. Fuck You again.

I like this comment so much, I upvoted it both times it got posted.

I didn’t like it enough to make the same comment on both though.

I think this is a delusion you tell yourself to justify paying the high rent of living in New York.

Sean — and I say this with an incredible amount of respect for you as a writer (one of my favorites on the internet), a journalist, and a person — this is legitimately clickbait bullshit. The mountain of qualifiers heaped in the second half of this article practically unwrites the first and proves that point. Except

/breathes deep