Emma Stone.
Emma Stone.
“Hey, you’re black, right?”
Want to complain?
You know what else shouldn’t be tax exempt? Any church!
The receipt still leaves five shots unaccounted for. Allegedly!
Now that's how you apologize for being an idiot.
Fuck this guy.
(because you know a Republican house and senate aren't going to be generous for special needs childcare funds).
Murrell' writing on this matter is superb. It really drives home the sadism of men like this. What do they fantasize will happen if women who know they do not want a developmentally disabled child, or who are pregnant with a fetus doomed to early and painful death can't abort? How does this play out in their hallmark…
Leave it to a creationist to start making shit up.
That they're comparing Iggy's (supposed) sex tape to Bill Cosby drugging and raping multiple women over decades is appalling.
Anonymous, the digital crusaders who have doxxed rapists and Darren Wilson (before we knew Darren Wilson) have found…
...he save bread...?
Our defacto "municipal christmas tree" is a pole on top of the dump that has lights strung down from it at an angle so it looks like it has dimension. Someone wrote a letter to the editor complaining about it being awful and petitioning for its removal. The backlash against getting rid of it was fantastic. You can see…
I'd like to teach the world to sing
Actually it is. Look up Tinker vs. Des Moines. "students do not leave their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gates"
Actually, unlike many other countries, hate speech is specifically protected in the U.S. under the 1st amendment unless it's deemed a threat. However, you are right that free speech rights are not applicable in schools.
Two examples to show that the South at the time disagreed with your take on what the Civil War was about, and every other official Declaration of Secession contains similar language:
If you're wearing the confederate flag, it really doesn't matter what "type of person" you are or what "manner" you are doing it in. You're wearing a symbol of slavery. African Americans who see it are going to be reminded that the defenders of that flag held their ancestors as fucking property. Is anyone's t-shirt or…