Kotaku took a few days after he died to say anything about it, and in the meantime some people were going into the comments of other articles giving them shit for it.
Kotaku took a few days after he died to say anything about it, and in the meantime some people were going into the comments of other articles giving them shit for it.
Hey Kotaku, Luke, Patricia, et al.
white boys gotta bitch about something I guess.
Took a peek at the greys, and yep. They can stay grey.
Your second point as been my take away on this matter too. There’s no way Hale would take on this job for only 4 thousand dollars. My guess is this is another Kojima situation where they really wanted the more famous person for the role, but instead of simply cutting her out like Kojima did to Hayter, they low balled…
To be silent is to be complicit in her own undervaluing. Will some jags label her difficult? Yep, and she won’t work with those difficult jags saving herself future headaches. There will also be people who admire her taking a stand and demanding to be paid what she is worth and will want to work with somebody with…
There’s no way they paid Hale 4k, she’s union and extremely experienced, she could basically name her own price. Kamiya in his typical asshole fashion is just saying Taylor is lying without any facts. This is Platinum lowballing the fuck out of Taylor expecting to get away with it because she’s non union and hoping…
And that’s why you should just cut your loses, decide to never work with them again and walk away without stirring the drama pot
VAs are increasingly talking about the shit pay they get, I think it’s good for her to continue to add to the conversation.
corporate malfeseance should always be called out. this isnt “stirring the drama pot”, its about workers’ rights!
can’t wait for the chodes to all rush in defending billion dollar corporations paying their talent poverty peanut wages.
I think its safe to say that the pay for the most important character in a game with an 8-9 figure budget should probably be more than a single entry-level QA tester will make working on the game for 2-3 months.
I don’t know what the average pay for a job like this is in the industry, but I know I make more money that this job was apparently set to pay in a month, and I bet the role takes a lot longer than that to finish for a VA. If this is a par offer, it’s absolutely unreal.
Some things to take away from this a little bit extra:
The more Meta and metaverse shoots itself on the foot, the funnier it gets.
Unsurprisingly, Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, and most recently the Saudi’s are pouring billions into research that will extend their lives, ideally letting them live forever:
That man runs off Duracell, he aint ever gonna die.
Or, he’ll pour all his money into immortality research, find the cure to death and outlive your great grandchildren.