
I disagree. As an adult, a child should have the maturity to acknowledge when things are being done for you and, at a minimum, talk to your parents every now and then and respond to a text when they check in. It’s part of growing up. I look back on the times I ignored both parents when they just wanted a hello in

Well I’m glad Deadspin and Kinja commentariat didn’t rush to judgement on this case.

This is an outrage. This Wes Anderson hot take will not stand. Life Aquatic was terrific.

Can I still be surprised that she pimped out her own daughter for $100? Because I’m not a prostitute connoisseur, but that seems ... really low.

There should be a disclaimer in here about the author and his primary choice of “music,” Electronic Dance Music.

I have read his work in various publications and heard you on NPR and would say that you could change out your name with JOhn Seabrook and would have accurately described your own book.

Your suggestions and

pointless article.

i dont even like jay z, but youre obviously not a deft enough critic to understand lyrics. jigga on songs like ‘the joy’ and his verse on ‘renegade’ show an irreplicable talent. you like macklemore huh

Because she doesn’t really like boys that way?

I just explained. What I’d like isn’t for you to say something. It’s to listen and actually act upon what you’re being told.

It’s kind of bullshit that black women don’t get rewarded for their role in pop culture though considering for example that 10 out of the top 17 female grammy winners of all time have been black women.

Never, ever, ever wrong. Can’t be wrong. Knows everything and knows it best — even better than experts with multiple degrees on a given subject.

You’re wasting your time. Arken loves to argue, and is never wrong.

Really, Nicki? So much problematic here. You’re going to go after other women for having plastic surgery to change their bodies? And women staying with abusers is “weakness”? Guess they should just be stronger, huh?


That’s a pretty intellectually dishonest statement. Guns are clearly a massive problem. But if you’ve read up about the gutting of mental health help in this country (John Oliver did a great piece) you’d be able to make a statement that doesn’t pander to low-information voters.

You know how it’s really hot when a guy you’re netflixing and chilling with talks about how he loves to eat girls’ out but it’s fucking creepy when strangers do it? This is that situation. It’s weird that a dorm director sent this shit. Like if this was part of a consent week this’d be awesome, but randomly copying

Ed Hochuli is, I believe, a lawyer by his full-time profession. So I would have to assume he is lying here.

i don’t see how giving other people a voice is “forced diversity”? If anyone from a diverse background gets hired it’s already dismissed as “box-ticking” instead of “hey, this person was actually the best one for the job”. There’s a mindset that people refuse to get over and it’ll probably take eons to shake it.

OT but

“Yes.” - Mike Florio

Hey, there hasn’t been a recipe post in about a month and a half. Is Foodspin being shuttered or is it just on hiatus?