
looks like taffy.

I am guessing that this is a road train

I dont think that those are normal shipping/packing pallets. Also, if they are you probably cant replicate that here in the US, because it probably violates all sorts of fire codes.

Now this is a cool art piece (as opposed to kevin baconator). I dont really know what the stated purpose of it is, but it looks amazing and the process to create sounds well-thought out and frankly pretty awesome.

@*Grey*Bastard 420: I really dont think that this is the case where I live, especially because deer strikes do wax and wane with the seasons. Also, a lot of people go after smaller game (so long as its legal like 4-8 points) for food specifically, and a lot of those people do a good job of eating nearly all of the

@*Grey*Bastard 420: Well ideally I would have fresh kills harvested from the wild, but that just isnt going to happen (who has the time and resources?).

@*Grey*Bastard 420: Well as a meat eater, I do try to get food from local farms (especially when I know that the people there are good with their animals). I dont really have any ethical qualms with eating anything dead, but I do like to try to ensure that, when available, I eat food that at the very least wasnt

It is this kind of crap that makes me want to distance myself from "high art" as much as possible.

@*Grey*Bastard 420: Why is the mere sight of meat so offensive to vegans? BTW I am pretty sure that these are artificial Bacon Bits, but that is really of no consequence to an omnivore like myself. (and the "art" is poorly conceived garbage)

@me_eit001: You really do your best to take what I say out of context or just make up things entirely.

@Kamatari +: I dont think that there is a huge advantage to hosting in MW2. However if you are someone like me who only has a choice between Bellsouth DSL (AT&T) or Knology "high-speed" then you are at a disadvantage (they both perform about equally which is to say not very good). My upload speeds blow for that

@FearMage: If it is true that wouldnt suprise me at all... McCarthyism and all of the other horrible influences on the political climate produced all kinds of things like that just so we could say we did xyz first, even if the cost-benefit was ridiculously out of proportion.

@soldstatic: I just thought it could be a cool slogan for whoever ends up making it.... Would be a funny marketing campaign to try to get us earthbound folk drinking astro brews.

@me_eit001: I never said that what he did was immoral or unethical, and yes it was funny.

High Gravity beers for Low Gravity applications.

@SEDAGIVE?!: Was that in the same scene? I honestly cant remember because it has been a while.

@me_eit001: Thats some pretty ridiculous logic...

Bacon bits are not bacon, not even close.

@SEDAGIVE?!: Even after the wobble though it is spinning steadily. I honestly figured that he was still in the dreamscape and that maybe his kids were dead or never existed. For that matter Leo could have been some fat slob who had an idealized version of himself going around the dreamscape with a bunch of other

@ThePeopleLookLikeFlowersAtLast: He was saying that he was in fact in the real world. Also apparently Caine is never around in the dreamscape so him being there is de facto reality. At least thats how i understood it.