
big surprise more hyperbolic smack talk about Google all while performing fellatio on Jobs.

The Oakley products are outrageous... They look cool but $750 for sunglasses and $925 for a backpack?

@Pope John Peeps II: Agreed on the last part, but the assistant did help build the suit - so it wasnt that it was entirely unoriginal (and the parts he added to it look great).

@Jesse Scroggins: Just trying to keep you informed. Especially since you also seem to be misinformed about their necessary education and credentials.

@Curves: Ironically, it only makes him all the more frightening.

@zenneth: By definition merely the assignment of something as art makes it art (see: Marcel Duchamp's "Fountain"- a urinal that he didnt even make).

@Jesse Scroggins: Chiropractors are charlatans and have little to no medical credibility whatsoever so using them as an example is intellectually dishonest.

@zenneth: Well it would still be crappy. The concept is old an overwrought as I am sure that Morgan Spurlock wasnt the first or last to do this. Painting that would just be a waste of time, moreso than photographing solely because it would take much longer- unless she did it in the style of say a 2 year old.

@zenneth: Well it is art, just really crappy art.

Why is that so many artists now have not even a remotely original idea? You could at least adapt a couple of old ideas.

@Francisco Galárraga: I have seen some of his balloon dogs at LACMA- but this photo is kind of funny just because of the juxtaposition of the architecture with Koons quirky pop sensibilities.

@zelannii: I think that all cell phones can be (maybe are?) considered "administered" devices, but your theory makes a lot more sense, and I would hope that Apple wouldnt be so self-righteous, but I dont know that I would put it past them either.

@ZachMatthews: So was he convicted and served a suspended sentence?

@Volanova: I was just thinking the same thing... This has been done for some time, and if not inflatables painted plywood decoys.

@cfriedberg001: cant do that at work. and thats where i do most of giz reading.