
@adonissj: I dont know if you actually read the article or not but it says "Keep Holding Your Breath for That 4G Verizon iPhone"

@mattv888: The magic that they inject in all of their products does a lot to overcome the technological deficiencies

@donlphi: My 3Gs is about 18 months or so old, and with very limited use I still have to charge it at least once a day. Their batteries do seem to fatigue really quickly.

@cfriedberg001: Sources? To my knowledge the details of the exclusivity contract have never come to light, and I am willing to bet that both sides are contractually obligated not to divulge the terms of the contract.

How are all of the Foxconn apologist commenters going to spin this one?

@mattjp03: Trident Layers is not just "gum"

@topsully: Well a lot of the laws that give these agencies leeway were passed under GW's administration since they packaged them in overblown pieces of legislation that were misleadingly named and included provisions that most legislators prob wouldnt agree with- but if you think that your senators actually read the

@pettiblay: The Oatmeal is actually a website.

@Emperor_was_a_jerk: So you are saying that Steve Martin is NOT a comedian just as Michelangelo wasnt a house painter?

@pettiblay: He isn't a comedian in any traditional or colloquial sense.

@iAmWillJ: funny how spending $1 can cause you to spend another $1k +

@madara: "Giz has been Fox-like in blowing 'design flaws' out of proportion since getting their hand slapped by Apple."

The egg carton deal is mostly for drive-thru customers to have multiple drinks driving around, as dine in folk usually get a tray (and from personal experience its not too complicated to carry one with items placed atop).

@medopal: I also imply that this was intentionally released... ("allowing media outlets access")

@Clixx13: No you wouldnt. That is really naive to think that the media will have you properly informed on a subject. I cant count on my fingers and toes (and those of my whole family) how many times similar cases or completely dissimilar cases were sensationalized and presented in such a way to influence public

@medopal: My point still stands... How is this in any way shape or form related to hipster culture?

@Gators15: It sounds bad, but if you look on sites like Watchdog (which provide you the convictions and nothing else) you will start to realize just how ambiguous these things are, especially if you can look up the case files.

I do understand protecting your brand, but going after pirates who would probably not buy your shiz otherwise is kinda silly...

@RuckingFetard: They arent saying that WP7 is going to be one phone, but that the first launch model is coming out (read: "the real phone" not "THE Windows phone").