
@dagwud: We are pretty hot on LaCroix (flavored seltzer). We drink a lot of water but sometimes you just want something else.

@dagwud: I really only drink Coke since coffee seems to upset my stomach even moreso (and I need something to keep me alert at work in the morning).

What is especially hilarious about the whole HFCS debacle is that our Govt gives huge subsidies to corn growers (effectively using our tax dollars to grow large amounts of corn) only to have them tell us how bad HFCS is for our health (and its contribution to the "obesity epidemic"). In fact they are thinking about

@OMG! Mr. Holland's British Opasaurus Rex!: No kidding. Really though the money that they would save would be significantly more considering how much it would cost to destroy, transport, and dispose of all of that (especially if they do it responsibly- which is unlikely).

Could this be more biased?

@ChefJayTay: I think a lot of people are hating on molecular gastronomy only when it is used poorly. Adding a foam to a dish doesnt make it inherently better unless it enhances the flavor somehow.

@SEDAGIVE?!: You could get a Kamodo style grill (big green egg, primo, etc.). They can hold temps as low as 225 (F) up to around 650- and you can get heat deflectors for indirect cooking.

The thing that bugs me about "molecular gastronomy" is mostly the name. It doesnt really mean anything and yet it implies that your food has been composed at an elemental level.

@Egypt1337: "Why would a Christian website lie about this?"

@xsbs: Well you are wrong in the that respect, but you can continue to deny and try to defend your poorly argued position all you want.

@HiroPro42: That was in response to the OPs post not so much WRT the article.

@SparklyJesus: The problem is Soldiers tend to use up all available bandwith (much like college students). A lot of them are torrenting, gaming, and doing other things to suck all that up.

@xsbs: WTF are you talking about? Why are you trying to argue with me about global warming?

@xsbs: Yes that is exactly what I am doing and anything that was once organic has some form of carbon in it by definition.

@giusticce: and if need be it can always be recycled later...

@xsbs: not necessarily... Getting another desk would require significant energy expenditure, and recycling also takes up quite a bit of energy. As it stands now all of that carbon is fixed and is being used as semi-permanent furniture- dont know how that could offend environmentalists, on the contrary I think they

@Robotronic: Ninjas dont eat fish. I cannot tell you how I know for fear of my own life.

I KNOW Steve Jobs isnt a ninja, because he doesnt eat meat. Ninjas need crude protein, and their overwhelming dsire to kill anything that moves provides them with a steady diet of woodland mammals.

While this may make some money, this is a horrible design for consumers. I dont know if Apple is the correct hardness, but ideally if you have good knives you are probably using edge grain maple- as it wont dull your blades, but is hard enough so that it wont gouge. Cutting boards should also be at least twice that