
@teh: Everyone that you know that lives in a rural area is probably similar to you in interests etc. and is not necessarily representative of the norm. I know plenty of people that are not my age that live in rural areas that could give two effs about hi-speed service, just like I know some people my age that moved

@Renzo: among other things. (not necessarily referring to a check in the mail tho).

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: I dont know what your balls are like but hair doesnt actually grow out of my balls and if it did i wouldnt be able to see it.

You are really taking this out of context. A lot of people in rural areas do not necessarily need or desire high speed services. Even if they do it is all about incentives. Other people should not have to subsidize their service.

@Renzo: Actually if you pay taxes the Govt does owe you something.

@thehouserules: No he had aides just like Magic Johnson- but now he doesnt also like Magic.

This is really neat design-wise, but completely impractical. Part of what makes it so interesting is that there are a number of different designs in the design (some have legs together, some look like they are walking, etc.).

@ObiHaiv: See my reply to Jesus (below).

@shooter: Apparently being smart and driven does not preclude you from being a complete ass when it come to certain things.

this is probably the only one of these that I guessed right as long as I have read this blog.

@Almightywhacko: It may be their app store, but it is not their phone. Companies like Apple have been trying to blur this line of "ownership" for quite some time. If it wasnt for their ridiculousness with regard to that issue I would like them much more.

Or does Apple think their users are imbeciles who are going to wake up one day and forget about the feature that made them buy Camera+ in the first place? Does Apple think that their customers can't handle customization of their device?

I think that it's kind of silly to have approval and disapproval on there without a neutral option. Maybe Steve jobs told them that people would be too stupid to subtract x from 100.

@minibeardeath: They probably fear the wrath of the Apple Gestapo

@strich: I was wondering that... Kinda stinks b/c the things i forget most often (sugar, TP, butter) are often store branded.

@BrakTalk: Ok well here is thing.... If this product would inconvenience you you can opt out of using it...

@BrakTalk: Who takes pictures while watching movies?

Why is it that Apple and so many others feel the need to tell the user what they want? They also assume that the average user is a complete moron. If mistaking these buttons could somehow harm the phone I would understand the rationale but WTF.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: I agree 100%. I do, however, support state rights, but only when legislation is based on reason.