
What do you mean "not that stupid"?

@tundraboy: This is a byproduct of the short tenures of CEOs. They have to meet certain benchmarks to attain incentive pay (incentive pay being taxed less for some reason) and most are tied to revenues- and the easiest way to save money is to cut payroll/sell assets. Also the board sets these benchmarks and the CEO

This seems very misleading. Everyone should know by now that pretty much anytime you are doing a Google search that you are probably participating in a number of labs that are collecting data on how you use the search engine and your response to the results. The goal is to use this data to improve the search

@ripfire: its union labor, cant you tell by the jumpsuit.

@wagedomain: Exactly... People need to make sure and read and not just look at the graphics.

@Skeptical_Geezer: I dont think that people are revelling in his grief... Most people find stories like this cathartic because they have been in a similarly stressful situation at work and only fantasized about doing something this dramatic.

@seishino: No I am saying destroy whatever media you used to transfer info from machine (with Toshiba HDD) a to machine b... this is assuming that another key cannot be created (which is what I am assuming they had in mind). I dont know though cant read the whole thing at work.

Wow this is ridiculously biased. Why does Giz hate Google so much (especially considering prob 100% of them are users)?

@Arken: That didnt bother me nearly as much as Shia LeBouef... The scene where he is in the jungle and is surrounded by monkeys??

@saxgod: They probably arent meant for that. If they need to move the data they will probably move it to standard (or other somewhat secure) HDD and then put it on another Toshiba and destroy the HDD that moved the info.

I really liked Star Trek, but the new Indiana Jones a "good one" Really?!

@taniquetil: US companies do have power over the people that make stuff for them- if they dont agree with them they wont buy from them . How you dont understand that is beyond me. I will find it best to refrain from future conversation with you as you have already made your mind up on the issue.

@taniquetil: The children analogy was being used to illustrate that American consumers do actually care where their products come from, which is something that you continue to refute for some reason.

@taniquetil: You for whatever reason are assuming that I dont know all of this (well at least the factual stuff anyway)...

@Nick: I guess you only read the part where I said your analogy was hyperbolic?

@Nick: This would used as aggravated/mitigating circumstances in a parole hearing, not to be used in actual sentencing, so your analogy is a bit hyperbolic as the prisoners will not legally serve any more time than the state prescribed.

@Donuthead: I should clarify that I am speaking only of their cable internet services, as I am a DirecTV customer... So far my experience with them has been markedly better than that of any other provider.

This is why people think that executives dont earn their pay.

@AHSSouhleris: DSL isnt that great either... I only have the options of Comcast or AT&T DSL and they are both kind of crappy...