
@Lord_Cathbad: I understand that, but one problem here is that you would really have to keep your to-do lists up to date (i.e. have Google somehow know that you need soap and when you do get it that you no longer need it).

They are completely right... Worshipping a clearly fictional character from books written by man is completely ludicrous.

@tyrizzle: Clearly you havent sold much on eBay. Protection was bad before, but now PayPal hold all monies in escrow until the recipient confirms delivery (or leaves feedback) or until x days expire...

@axiomatic: Agreed. It may not be showing in stock price now but it will eventually catch up to them as someone else will be more welcoming and make their jobs easier...

@Saboth: From what I understand most games are using some sort of middleware, whether it be the physics engine, graphics or what have you.

@NorCalAngler: Thats preposterous... Restock fees should only be levied on items that are a big pain to restock/re-order like some computers and most televisions. and other large big ticket items.

@c_cornelp: I am not hating on iPhone 4s, I am merely stating that just because YOUR experience has been good does not mean that a problem does not exist.

@cjp: You should call all of the major press outlets and make sure that they know that the iPhone works as described. I am sure they will be interested in knowing about your experience and your rigorous testing methodology.

@Gordonium: At this point it is all snake oil, and from what I have read/seen on television on the subject biologists are largely in concurrence that the cells would be too damaged during freezing (due to crystals puncturing cell walls etc.) to be revived.

@MazdaMania: ? I dont know why you think that you are disagreeing with him b/c he says that their "weak spot."

@geekymitch: I am willing to bet that they will use plastic straws (cheap and disposable) much like bar breathalyzers have.

@hugehead: while i think its necessity is ridiculous, the same effect would not be achieved by having someone in the store verify the purchaser, because a grocery store cashier would probably do a much crappier job than a state employee (and may allow some underage people to purchase).

This makes sense (and is pretty obvious actually), but I know that myself and my wife arent very good about writing down our steps and measurements meticulously (I do, however, do that for beer making as it can be tedious and a somewhat scientific enterprise).

Seeing this is both amazing and depressing... I dont know if I have ever worked that hard on one single thing in my life, and he has two amazing stop-motion videos that make their way through what seems like miles of cityscape. Makes me feel like I should be doing much more.

@spade: I dont care.

What is sad here is that forensics really probably do need to have a place in art authentication, but this asshole is ruining it for everyone else.

completely lacking in cleverness

After the liquid ferments (and is full of dead bugs) it also makes a wonderful alcoholic beverage! Just like prison hooch.

That is silly. You shouldnt be filming in a theatre (even if you arent going to commercialize or redistribute), but cmon. Obviously, the incentive structure for these theatres is kind of effed. This gives them too many reasons to go after people who are clearly not trying to pirate and may be "filming" with a