Donut Resuscitate

So after all that it turns out the Mark Cuban’s skin is just as thin as trump’s. Guess I should’ve realized that billionaire pieces of shit like trump, Cuban and Peter Thiel are all about the same.

More of a mild take, as it’s true

Here’s a Hot Take. Mark Cuban can get fucked with a tire iron. Just because he’s not a Trump guy doesn’t mean he’s not another piece of shit billionaire who has no issues intimidating the press to make sure his garbage basketball teams fees aren’t hurt.

All I can think of when looking at those things is “When is it going to pop off and be completely ruined?”. I’d be too scared to try to “flip” it thinking its gonna break at any moment.

All I can think of when looking at those things is “When is it going to pop off and be completely ruined?”. I’d be

Remember when golfers used to be fat sacks of shit?

It really is sad because, if you watch his stuff in the early 80's when he wasn’t “DICK VITALE” he was insightful and entertaining but he kept it reasonable for the most part.

Vitale is unwatchable for me.

Not sure what to do with a Starbucks card though, since I do like coffee and all.

Not sure what to do with a Starbucks card though, since I do like coffee and all.

Now imagine that the President is doing this at a club that he OWNS so he’s actively profiting as well. Where does the Secret Service stay while he’s there? Who pays for that? I’m guessing they stay in expensive rooms there paid for by the taxpayers. And that money goes straight into Trump’s pocket.

I’m not sure what more MSM and sites like Gawker 2.0 can do to prove that they’re a sham.

So if Trump does 72 rounds a year over 8 years that’s 576 rounds compared to 333 for Obama, but you’d complain about Obama while defending Trump. Math is hard for right-wing types.

Regardless of the merits of your argument, you are so mad on the internet. Look how mad you are. I can’t believe you’re arguing about this and are typing it all out. You have many posts about this. That’s like an hour of your time that you spent arguing about how the media didn’t talk about how much golf Obama played.

The point isn’t that people are outraged about the amount of golf that D. James Trump is playing. It’s that the people who complained about Obama are now OK with it.

The president can get away from the media literally any time he wants. Why would he leave the private club where he’s away from the media to go to the golf course to be away from the media? Why would he go to a golf course to get away from the media, and not use golfing as the excuse? Do you not see how tortured and

WTF is an acronym?

“And speaking as a golfer, who goddamn really cares about how much golf these guys play?”

How come you wrote Obama’s middle name but not Trump’s? That’s really stumping me.

Right. $3.6 million for a golf weekend is a LOT. Now imagine someone doing that EVERY FUCKING WEEKEND like Trump is doing.

“Hypocrisy” is one of those words only “elitists” and “libtards” understand, because education is something to be viewed with suspicion and fear.

Well, I will say this. I am very sure he’s not being hypocritical about this, and I’m sure if you looked at his twitter history there would be no tweets criticizing a certain politician for spending too much time playing golf rather than running the country.