Donut Resuscitate

Cunk on Earth. Netflix. 

You'll love the original. This one didn't need to be made. 


Reservation Dogs is slide 23 (and in the collage on the front page).

OK, that’s it. I’m removing Lifehacker from my RSS feed and won’t be visiting anymore. I can’t imagine the move to videos and slideshows has brought in more users. It’s lost me. I used to really enjoy this site.

Ah, well then I’m begging myself to quit whining.

Amazon is offering time-sensitive.

Nah, you’re the selfish one. Buy a second seat.

Is Lifehacker finally moving away from slideshows?! I feel sorry for the stock image industry, but I’m very happy for your readers.

You won’t need them until the first time you don’t bring them. ;)

I wished I had packed a set of wired earbuds for my flight yesterday.  Could have watched a movie or tv show on the seatback monitor.  It was a quick flight, so by the time they were selling their crappy headphones, it was too late to make it worth it.

A couple of these are among the least surprising ways to use Windex.  Is this SponCon?

If there was just some music in there.  Or, better yet, a tiny waterfall.

I’m most curious to learn why so many people travel to Kansas. 

Better call Saul Comcast and finally cancel my cable subscription.

1. Stop


Can confirm. This list is bunk.