Donut Resuscitate

They don’t even have the best BBQ in Missouri

I love how some of the same people who believe Pizzagate is a real thing also defend Milo to the ends of the earth. No moral compass.

This is outstanding. I’m actually genuinely thrilled for this and hope that he has a long, long career running the Lakers.

This is overblown. He’s got a lot to learn but he’ll have AIDS.

Much easier said than done. I have yet to find a brand that fits me as it should. Even slim-fit ones are too loose around the waist if they fit me properly around the chest. At one point I found one at Saks 5th but it was the onlymodel with that fit.

I get looking at this on paper...but Cousins is a head case...we both know he will sign for 200 million then become unhappy and be untradeable for anything less than a box full of garbage contracts...sometimes the talent isn’t worth the headache.

“Used to”, because he fucking died, right?

But medium rare is the only way to eat a burger.

Maybe if draymon, klay, steph, and KD are all at the same orgy and contract gonosyphiherpeloids at the same time. Shit’s serious bro. They’d have to miss at least 5 games.

This is a significantly worse trade than the Chris-Paul-to-Los-Angeles trade that the NBA stepped in and vetoed several years ago.

Maybe. If the Warriors plane crashes over the Rocky Mountains, sure.

Who the fuck liked that take?

Looks like Caudill is the devil at Daniel Webster.

Wtf are you on about? Where in the story does the author or the site condone disrespect for authority or hate?

“ITT Technical Foul”

I sent this to my deaf brother, and he told me to eat shit and die.

Good lord, what is going on. I wish he had autotune. Or stopped singing.

Yep, I want to know everything about my new toy. Immediately.