
Fashion Mag covers are so messy. >_>

No joke: this made me emotional and I’ve played through the game already, a few times (and had a BAD time). Thanks for further proof that this deserves my pick for GotY.

It was a pretty good year for dogs.

Undertale had a couple really good ones.

but we all know what the real winner is.

Kudos to CD Projekt Red but I can’t stop thinking about Star Wars: Battlefront EA for some reason. It’s like they had some kind of really, really subtle marketing campaign during the show to push the game but that can’t be right, can it?

Oh my god I should have clarified....! This is amazing.

Welcome to every day in video games.

What a stupid patent.

I know, it’s sooo 2015

The stuff I’m reading and seeing that’s coming out of Paris is bone-chilling. I’m praying that this all gets resolved quick, and that as many people as possible come out of this unharmed. And my condolences to the victims of these evil attacks.

clearly none of the judges have played Undertale.

My GOTY is definitely Undertale, so I’ve been hoping most of the year-end award shows at least honor it with a nomination. It may not be a AAA title or the product of a major well-known studio, but gosh darn it, I haven’t had a game make me smile that much in at least a decade.

I know it’s not for everyone, but for me, Undertale blows the rest of these games away. It’s exactly what I look for in a game.

Out of those choices... I guess I’d go with Bloodborne?


They obviously haven’t played much Undertale, either, otherwise they’d already know it’s the literal second-coming of Christ.

I wonder if they could have put the 3DS’ infrared port to good use by making a fiber-optic cable that overlapped it and thereby transmitted the signal to the second 3DS instead.