
Yup, cheese crisps seem to be a pretty regional thing sadly. My dad was born and raised in Phoenix, and cheese crisps have always been a staple snack in my family. Our preferred hot sauce to go with them is jalapeño El Pato.

This looks a lot like a Warioware game but with goofy cardboard accessories. I was not expecting this but I’m definitely looking forward to it.

Yeah, EA is (and I am loath to say this) 100% doing the correct thing legally when it comes to the mod team using Battlefield logos and artwork to showcase what they’re doing. But there’s no reason they couldn’t just say, “Hey, rename your mod and stop using our logos and we’re cool,” and let them keep on distributing

I just want to point this out because it’s a common misconception, but *copyright* isn’t a “defend it or lose it” thing, *trademarks* are. You can print a million illegal copies of a book I copyrighted and I can ignore it and keep my copyright, but if you start advertising your plastic building blocks as “Lego”, our

Unless I’m completely misunderstanding something, is there anything preventing the modding team from just distributing a patch for the official client instead of a modified copy? That way they’re no longer distributing copyrighted material but people can still patch their own copy of the game and connect to the

As a fellow Peach player, having consistent dashbacks is a huge deal. If you can’t consistently nail the dashback, Peach’s chaingrab on fast-fallers (most importantly Fox and Falco) becomes almost useless and the matchup gets way harder. Just some insight into why Armada might want to drop out rather than play if his

It’s not really so much about balance as it is about consistency of results. The Melee competitive ruleset is designed to minimize the influence of luck on the outcome of matches, and that’s why stuff like items and certain stages aren’t allowed. Of course, all of that stuff only matters if you’re interested in

Not really? It’s not any different than someone who speedruns games, does naked/no armor runs in Monster Hunter/Dark Souls, or does Nuzlocke runs in Pokemon; they’re all just ways to get unique experiences out of a game’s pre-existing systems.

Speaking as someone who plays Melee, I can assure you we enjoy the game very much. :P

Well, Smash ‘n Splash 2 ran 20XXTE on all of their Melee setups last summer and it seemed to go off without a hitch. And from my experience using it on my setup I bring to tournaments and other’s setups, it’s really painless to use.

I honestly think that the Game Boy line might have the best collection of Zelda games in terms of overall quality. Everything from the puzzles and dungeon design to the characters and stories is just so beautifully crafted in each of those games that they completely outshine their console counterparts. It’s especially

Woah woah woah, slow down a sec. First off, no, the game is not “totally spoiled” for me in the sense that it’s ruined and I have absolutely zero interest in playing it now. What I meant to say (and I admittedly could have said it a LOT better) was that the surprise of this particular plot twist/game mechanic/story

Didn’t read the article, just shot down here to the comments to say you might want to change that headline to something less spoiler-ey. I saw this game on the new games list on Steam just now and I was seriously considering getting it based on the trailer and screenshots, but the headline and the lead-in totally

The issue isn’t so much the controller making things easier, it’s that it registers inputs differently and as a result significantly changes what’s easy and what’s hard.

The real sticking point for me comes down to changing the normal analog control stick inputs from the GameCube controller to fixed digital values on the SmashBox. There’s a huge downside there in having your DI inputs limited in such a crazy way. This bites spacies especially hard, going from over 300 to probably well

If anyone can find a way, it’s HBox. If I’m remembering things correctly, he had to learn to beat Armada’s (at the time) camp heavy Fox, and now sets between the two of them are pretty much a coin flip. It’s probably just been a long time since he’s had to deal with other top level players that can cleanly execute

100% agree. Doubles is just flat out fun: fun to play, fun to watch, and fun to theorycraft for. There’s really nothing else like it in competitive gaming.

DrunkBox (I know HBox said he wasn’t wasted or anything, but darn it all I like that name and I’m sticking to it) was honestly my favorite part of Top 8. Whipping out the “LOL” tag against PewPewU, doing Rollout in real life, and still playing pretty great even after getting wholloped by SFAT, the whole experience of

As someone who absolutely hated Popplio when it was originally revealed, Brionne and the leaked final evolution have completely changed my opinion. Popplio’s design is a hot mess, but it’s evolutions are so elegant looking that they may have convinced me to deal with an ugly Pokemon for 15 or so levels just so I can