
I’m a bit biased since I agreed with your original comment , but nothing you said should’ve warranted it being effectively removed. Especially so, considering your comment was the most level-headed of the dissenting ones. It really makes me worried about the integrity of the discussion going on in the comments on that

Just letting you know, your comment doesn’t seem to be showing up AT ALL on the article’s discussion anymore. It’s not even greyed out, as far as I can tell. It’s more than a bit concerning if your comment has been removed from the discussion entirely.

Goku’s a pretty solid pick as far as out of left field characters go, but my vote’s for this beautiful creature right here:

I can't speak for DocSeuss, but I quite enjoy the crazy train. It's fun. :P

Quick, someone make a port of an NES emulator for this!

Riven: The Sequel to Myst