
Because there’s something the attendant could have said that justifies tell her to lose weight and talking shit about her teeth? I mean I’ve been a jerk before when I was pissed, but going for the “you are ugly/fat” insult tells me all I need to know about ol’ Britt.

and extending the three-point arc to discourage teams from just chucking shots from the perimeter.

With all the free time he supposedly has, Jay Mariotti really needs to stop skipping leg day at the gym.

dumb plot with obvious characters

It's hard to believe that the knobs in this video, who embodyies every spring break stereotype

Where would one go to see a synopsis of this?

So was his AAU coach Prop Joe or Avon?

Like their French forward, Arsenal have for so long struggled to breach that threshold between goodness and greatness.

Well put though I'm not sure there is enough water bleach in the world for me to shower off the notion that "Peter King is the voice of reason" on this.

moon brothel

Speaking "Canadian" is a favorite pastime of mine. It cracks me up... because I'm a 5 year old.

You Canadians are just oatright rude uhboat the prohcess of smoking weed then. If this happens to me when I'm on holiday in Canada, I'm going to phone the authorities or send someone to hospital.

Apparently the bros in the party suite don't either.

Yeah he'll have fewer than zero parties to go to.

Swaggy P:

Yeah what's wrong with this guy?!?11

Rovellian creepiness

I <3 ( . Y . )