
And then Captain Cold comes back to Break them out of Prison… I'd watch that!

Rusty teaching Topher's crew poker was outstanding. "ALL REDS…… I think I'm gonna get my car washed."

Dibs on three boobed girl from Total Recall!

If they were in the same earth, I feel like Alex and goth Felicity might have experimented with each other in college.

RIP in peace Agent Freckles.

Might have been mentioned but what are the odds that the DA who likes Joe is either a meta or ends up dead shortly after/if they begin dating?

Member the jackhammer? Ooo i member i member.

A delight as always to find your writings in this newspaper dear Nudeador. I hope your manor house survived last night without being tarnished with smashed unhatched chicken embryos or toiletry papers from the ghouls.

Needs more Gia.

If Vale is only mostly dead, maybe Miracle Max can save her!

I member!

Need to know how high Kinane's blood alcohol level is when he narrates. Dude gets hammered!

Did Gawker pay you your money yet brother?

Disappointed no one did The Ditty so then I could decide if I want to keep watching this show.

Don't you dare be sour!

A Geocities page will proabably be my downfall.

FEAR. Rollercoaster scene. Nicole 4 eva. Game over.

Needs more Tyrell.

Everyone else boo'd when the tattooed kangaroo came back on the screen right?

Yeah sounds like you have a shitty sense of humor.