
Whoever decided to stop the reviews needs a hatchet wound ASAP. At least we still have the grappling newsletters.

Speaking of Eddie, he was leading the knights of the Vale right? Watched on 19 inch hotel tv so might be wrong.

Just finished 2nd episode last night, kind of surprised the girls from max haven't been more aggressive in trying to take over the prison except for the girls who ask Flaca who the jefe is.

They needs to drag Mellisandres ass to ressurect Wun Wun!!!!

You mean gary?

Not to gimic steal (aka totally stealing) needs more Sasha & Paige.

Don't forget about bird law, my buddy Charlie is an expert.

Well what are you wearing Jake from State Farm?
-Uh, khakis?

My deepest apologies you are entirely correct. I thoughtlessly had forgotten about your time travel abilities to go to 1996 from the current year of 1901.

Dear Mister the Third,

Small part I loved when Rollins met Steph back stage and got totally denied on a hug!

I like the sound of that!

I can't believe someone besides me actually remembers that pick up artist crap!!! Those bros were hilarious!

Off topic but congrats on the Knicks job!

Just being reminded of Porno Brian made me laugh. The rest of his season were some of the saddest survivor players ever.

Got any fish biscuits too?

Of course Nudeador is a time traveler. How blindsided of me not to see it earlier.

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Yeah I thought so too and looked again but don't think it was Croc.