
Samesies. Usually don't notice names in the credits but of course this time i did. Kind of takes away from surprise factor.

Haven't we seen that music store before? Something seemed familiar about it, Never mind just looked down farther.

Oh baby Huell, huell got what I need!

Selina is just meowstly dead.

Shannon Tweed can play the warden or his wife.

I member I member.

Dom Toretto agrees

finally getting more taylor, interesting private plane companions

Jill is bae. I miss her already :(

RIP Chick… there are definitely worse ways to be killed off a show…

Hail baby

no more drugs for that man.


hey what happens in Russia stays in Russia!

Guess Agnes found out heaven is truly a place on earth.

John Goodman destroyed "his" car with a bat.

of course Spidey would think Dee playing a woman who got her neck snapped is hot. Too soon?

I want to take his face…… OFFFFFFF

Real Ash was a real ash-hole. I'll see myself out.

Her name was seriously FFion?