
Am I super-jaded if I realized that in my early 20s?

Raven-haired future Gillian Anderson.

I never got into the Walking Dead. Is it worth checking out, early on?

And that seems to be the turning point for him — that statement made him realize he was always going to be that guy, no matter how hard he tried to prove otherwise.

My boyfriend and I laughed about that because he used to work at a place that abused his time like that. He quit and found a better job. We should have thought about embezzling instead!

Dude, Kevin Weisman was also in the X-Files episode with the genie. Great episode.

Man, I miss that show. (Well, not the fourth season.)

It's crazy how many X-Files actors appear on Gilligan's shows. Good old Tuco.

Same — the ending of the previous one was so good. I still liked this a lot, though.

Every time he's onscreen speaking Spanish, my boyfriend complains about how ridiculous his Spanish sounds. (I.e. not natural at all.)

Agreed. (It's funny, because it was the same problem I had with the Latino actors cast in the X-Files episode about the chupacabra — none of them had a convincing accent or look, and they were supposed to be migrant workers in Southern California. And that was because they were all Canadian actors who didn't sound

Oh yeah — I was thinking it was a flashback to the early 2000s, but it's obviously further back than that.

Especially when he left $5 behind!

Every grandma on this show has a crazy druglord son… Maybe it's Jesse's grandma.

I like this show A LOT, but for me, this episode wasn't quite as exciting/funny as the previous episodes.

The second scam didn't fool me. I saw that one coming, even though it seemed pretty dangerous, as the reviewer pointed out.

It wasn't as fast-paced as the previous episode, but it was still a lot of fun.

Yeah, who carries cash anymore?

Yeah, her brother.

That genre was the worst. I had so many friends in high school try to drag me along to emo/screamo shows.