Learning the term, "socio-economic injustice" ruined my world view.
Learning the term, "socio-economic injustice" ruined my world view.
I do not want to be a jerk about this...BUT (help me out here, people)
Agree. Now the ammunition of some suburban town is in the spotlight. Watch out, big cities.
I saw this and thought the same...at first. It took a year or so of reading Jez to make the (duh) connection to TV.
I very much understand what you are saying in terms of unsolicited material. A teenage girl is going to go through that "comparing phase" on some level regardless of anything a parent is going to do. No need to make it worse, right? What would matter is the message/medium.
They're really good with offering shorter length pants (petite). Definitely basics/teacher clothes.
It is terrible, but I tend to not feel right after eating at Chipotle, while TB is just too salty but tolerable. Comment in reference to the Cantina Bell burrito vs. the enormous but tasteless Chipotle version.
"Pretty awesome," right? All the kids are into the Baja Blasts.
My mother somehow landed an amber bottle of musk. It seemed to be ok for me. Love Baby Soft made me sick. The best I could do was baby lotion and that tanning oil with the cocoanut scent. I also loved Coppertone. Maybe Strawberry scented shampoo from the 70s. Muguet de Bois (lilly of the valley).
All the 666 aside, it was really creepy when all the stores started using barcodes and how the tracking system of purchases went haywire. I'm no aluminum foil hat person (maybe a pipe in a pinch), but whatever.
Agree. The noobs get to take over the paperwork without a clue. Then you get a $500.00 bill where the "apples to oranges" and so on is pompously explained while the new person gets to see first-hand how hard ball is played.
I ran into an issue with my ex claiming to not live in the state, working out of state. It takes work, especially if you live in a major metropolitan area, to get the ball rolling. The process of enforcement can really break you down.
Same here. AND they had no issue with having my child on state insurance.
Many people don't realize the "three-pronged" issue: divorce, custody, child support.
And good judges know the bs that divorce attorneys spin as well as how they tend to work with you until the money is gone.
We thought it was a done deal months ago. We're losers!
Sweetie, honey. You posted the one. I remember when they first started installing the TV with music vids non-stop in laundromats way, way back in the day [Music video a day keeps the crime away?].
Wartstick Solid worked. And ugly white socks...lots of them.
I can feel the headache and nausea just walking by Yankee Candle and Bath&Body Works.