
Brad Pitt is one of the most vacuous people I have ever had the (dis)pleasure of meeting. He has no personality other than that of whatever character he is currently filming.

My friend has a cat named Milk. The cat is black.

I was fired from job as a copywriter for “excessive internet usage.” Part of my job...researching things on the internet. It was just an excuse, they’d been gunning for me ever since my ex and I broke up, as he was a manager and had been there longer than I. I don’t miss that place at all, it was hellish.

Ketoconazole is actually an anti-fungal cream, so not surprised that it isn’t working.

My uncle had a pet raccoon when I was a kid. It was mean as fuck to everyone but him. Raccoons are dicks.

Axl Rose is the one who dodged a bullet here. Stephanie Seymour is a Grade A Bitch.

I dated Axl Rose. He wasn’t NEARLY as crazypants as my ex-husband.

Well, taking after his mother, I see. One of the rudest, most self-entitled bitches I’ve ever met.

My ex is the singer/guitar player in one of the top Buffett bands in the nation. I am here to tell you that the “Parrotheads” for the most part have absolutely no morals, and partner swapping is prevalent. I hate these people with the heat of a million suns.

Those Carhartt bibs are WAY to heavy for everyday wear. Believe me, I grew up on a farm.

I used to have a cat who, if you whistled, would run up and slap his paw over your mouth.

I miss Shade Court soooooooo much!!!

All I’ve got to say is, that is one ugly $12,500 jacket. Can’t she hire a stylist or something?

The Beach Boys and Candyland, bitches.

ALL OF THIS. Thank you so much, this scared me so badly. I was a child and suddenly realized that you couldn’t trust all the grownups. I was horrible.

I have a name for that haircut, but it’s probably best not to say, LOL!

I remember two things from around age 7 - my cat getting run over by a car, and and my father getting killed by a drunk driver. Nothing before, nor after until about age 13. I’ve always found this odd.

Rudest people in America - central Illinois. Believe me, I live here. I’ve had people from California and New York tell me that people around here are unbelievably rude.

Kanye has fans?

I have tattoos on my right index finger and left ring finger. They’ve never been touched up and still look great. Of course I put hand lotion with sunblock on them constantly.