
the debate was had. you lost. by a score of roughly Sherman’s March to the Atlantic to nil. your flag commemorates hatred, treason, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of americans in the name of preserving white supremacy. Dylann Roof waved it knowing that you and the entirety of South Carolina stood behind him

Do you normally call people who you don’t know, and hopefully interview, a bitch? That just seems counter-productive.

Sucks she wouldn’t do an interview. This probably didn’t help!

What exactly is the axe you’re grinding here?

Imperfect relationships =/= toxic relationships. Every healthy relationship requires effort and compromise. But negotiating differences is not the same as enduring abuse. And yes, emotional manipulation is both a form of abuse and a hallmark of toxic relationships.

Sure. But a girl with daddy issues wants those things in excess.

If someone is doing toxic things to you in a relationship the only advice you need is : LEAVE.

How about none of you who work at Jezebel seem like you can actually take any sort of valid criticism of your work without turning into whiny children about it. Part of being a professional in any line of work is that you’re going to be criticized from time to time. That’s just what it’s like to be an adult, man. I

Although, to be fair, in a hetero dating situation “the bare minimum” for many women on a blind date is: Spend nearly an hour getting ready - hair, makeup, shower, etc.; worry about your safety - text friends your whereabouts, familiarize yourself with the area, don’t leave your drink unattended, and hope that this

So, enlighten us, MRAs: How are women supposed to know which of you fucks will pull this on them or not?


Systemic discrimination against half the world’s population is not a “micro social issue”; it’s a major social issue.

Do you really honestly and truly believe it’s just one person? Or do you think that this reaction comes from, say, decades of hearing the same stupid shit this dude just said only from many science teachers, math teachers, lab techs, classmates, and idiots on the internet? Do you think that having a Nobel Prize

We're all very impressed that you're too cool and rational to either get upset by anything or mock anything. Now that you've got kudos for your hot take, would you run along and let everyone else have fun mocking the idiot misogynist?

This extends into a lot of arenas, but let’s wrangle it down to just this particular topic. It is not cool to make other people part of your sex adventures. I know that guest room is new and exciting and omg someone MIGHT hear you and isn’t that sexy and dangerous?! But no, bruh, just no. Because they might actually

Totally. We shouldn’t get pissed when people in high positions of power spew offensive and discriminatory statements. Its not like anyone might look up to them, or take it as acceptable behavior.

Meh. I would hardly call this “freaking out” and it seems it’s resulted in women being proud of their brains and their sense of humour. I’d call that a win.

It's a completely different thing with two consenting adults who like each other compared to girls who are only just becoming adults being paid to do it with men twice their age or more.

Well, they are the ones teaching children, so.....

A week ago people like her were defending Josh Duggar, a guy who molested his sisters at 14years old. Now they’re condemning a 14 year old unarmed black girl for being brutalized by Officer BarrelRoll?! Yeah, sure! It’s not about race.😒😕😠😤😡