
I actually appreciate the ones who oppose abortion in cases of rape and incest—at least they're ideologically consistent. It's amazing that the vast majority of people who oppose abortion claim that it's because of the poor precious baby, while simultaneously claiming that whether or not abortion is murder is entirely

That is true. Pregnant women need to be fired to keep them and their unborn child safe from the kind of misogynistic monsters at work who think that pregnant women need to be fired to keep them and their unborn child safe.

I have no reason to believe you aren't the real John Boehner, so...

So the guy who was speaker during the Clinton impeachment turns out to have his own sexual history that’s much worse than Bill Clinton’s. Not to mention that, since their argument has always been “the impeachment wasn’t about sex - it was about lying” - Hastert also lied to investigators to cover up his past.

I mean, you still haven’t really given any examples of a thing she needs a “pass” on. She didn’t say anyone fabricated their own death threats or call them trash. All you’ve really given us is that she’s sometimes wrong about video games. I am just not seeing how that makes someone trash.

The best way to convince people gg is not a misogynist hate movement is to refer to a woman as a hole and a whore bag.

You get a wedgie too then for unleashing this troll on us. A troll who signed up 10 minutes ago. Now off to the corner you go.

“I got interested in her in 2008”

Definitely not going to be friends with them anymore.

Oh I have the best story about a wedding proposal...

I was married on a Saturday, flew across the country for my honeymoon on the following Monday. My dad, his fiance, my siblings, and my dad’s siblings all rented a vacation house on an island in our homestate for the rest of the week - fun for them, fun for me. Wednesday night my dad called me to inform me that on

I have to agree; this post baffled me a bit. I don’t think your comment is rude at all - it starts out with a compliment and moves on to reasoned and valid criticism. Frankly, the standard is really high these days for blog photos, especially in the style arena, and regardless of my opinion of the jewelry itself, the

Interestingly, her feedback was actually pretty thoughtful. She started with what she appreciated about the post, gave a legitimate critique (that a lot of people agree with), and said she’d love to see similar posts in the future if the content quality was a little better.

As far as critical comments go, it doesn’t

Don’t be bitchy and childish. Mungojerrie is right — this jewelry is unexceptional. I see the same stuff on the subway every day. It’s certainly not post-worthy. If you think this is “bomb-ass” and are going to be snarky and immature — well, you’re not doing Millihelen any favors.

I still love Millihelen! I don’t have a style blog (ignoring your sarcasm quotient, obviously) but I am the Executive Director of a nonprofit agency (read: big responsibilities, little money) and have thought about starting one for power dressing on the cheap. If I get it started, I will send you the link.

dear younger person,

Thank you for clarifying that “not all” Jezebel readers support female ISIS members. It’s not like we could ever confirm or deny this by looking at the actual comments, so we are grateful for your iron-clad memory.

“Um, this is about as extreme as holding hands :/”

Disagree. She consented. He consented. The people around her did not consent to help those two people get off. The very fact that they’re in public tells you that it’s the public gratification they’re getting off on. And that’s not okay.

Ok, look. It might consensual for the woman here. But it is NON consensual for the general public.