
Gods Old and New, Yes. I want to punch the next Throner who says “BUT RAPE HAPPENED IN THE MIDDLE AGES SO GET OVER IT YOU UPTIGHT PRUDE!” Yeah, and they also built cathedrals, went to war, caught plague and died, planted crops, traded and did all kinds of things in Europe over the near thousand years we broadly call

The trope of killing, maiming, or raping a character to motivate another is so common it has a term for it that almost everyone recognizes: fridging. And, for whatever reason, it’s overwhelmingly written as a female character killed or raped in order to provide motivation for a male character. Quite often the victim

and more concretely, as narratives to stories don’t just magically happen but are the result of the author’s intention, I chose not to make circumstances in my novels where they would be necessary.

Also, just because the setting of your story is quasi-medieval or some other type of “gritty” world, this does not mean that making your setting a nonstop rape-a-palooza is a more “realistic” touch.

I work with high school kids and when this came up in a debate, one of the very religious kids said, “THAT’S NOT TRUE, ABSTINENCE ALWAYS WORKS.”

I’ve never been into the show. To me, it always reminded me of when every comic book decided to go “grim and gritty” in the 90s. One most juvenile things to believe is that constant senseless hopelessness and violence are somehow inherently mature. It’s a 13 year old boy’s vision of what adult art should be like.

Maybe she or he has a health issue they are quietly tackling. Maybe they are going through fertility treatments and aren’t ready to come forward with that news. Maybe one of them is infertile so they are working though alternative ways to have the family they envision. There are a lot of reasons they might not be “on

Attention, parents of millennials (or tail-end gen x-ers as it were): nobody can effing afford anything-weddings, babies, rent, food... Help out with all those labor rights you worked on rolling back and then we can talk. Maybe. “Finally” got married to LT partner at 33, very low-key deal, and still have not produced

You are not an idiot, but neither you nor he are doing you any favors. Truly, shame on him for letting you do these things. He gets to benefit from all of it and get the divorce he wants while your heart and mind get twisted in knots. You have to back away. Even if you do reconcile in the future, you have to do it now

but they do stress that they believe the most non-violent and least traumatizing choice for the mother is to carry to term.

It’s not a freaky trend, it’s a worrying trend caused by being lied to by ‘organisations’ like CPS centres. It wouldn’t even be a damn trend if women were given correct information and facts, and trusted to make decisions themselves.

The nurse practitioner goes over the medical risk for both carrying and terminating.

This information always makes me so fucking infuriated. You know what’s medically dangerous? PREGNANCY. With an abortion, you get some anesthesia and zip bop bippity pop, it’s done. With my C-section, they gutted me open, put my uterus and intestine on my belly, and then sewed it all back into place. I couldn’t walk

I ventured into one because they set up in the SAME BUILDING as the clinic. The escorted me and a friend into an office and shut the door. Once my friend caught onto what was happening, he told me to get up and leave with him. I tried to open the door, but the LOCKED it behind us. My friend threatened to call the

“So… you’re still abortion-minded, even if you happen to be tubally pregnant?” she asked.

Oh, cool. It’s not like hundreds of years of colonial powers carving up Africa like a turkey without regard for preexisting cultural norms has led to instability that continues to this day. How sweet that this man and his daughter get to continue the tradition of european-descended folks claiming foreign lands without

If they hired that many prostitutes and had an all-day orgy, it would be shocking, because it would mean both parties working together, reaching a decision, and making it happen.

The point is not adding “token” women. The point is recognizing the knowledge and skills women abundantly have, and are equal to or exceed that of male panalist, and incorporate them equally into the world.

Sorry you had to learn to “patiently” communicate with your daughter when she tries to talk to you. Sounds like you’ve got a tough fucking life Dude. Can you imagine? Having to answer questions from your kid and a GIRL much less?